Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Simple Moments

I love how one little picture can capture a moment, a person, or an event.
I posted this picture yesterday on Instagram and it made me smile so much and I hope that it brought a smile to my friends and families faces. :)
This little boy brings the most happiness I've ever expereicned in my entire life. I can't even express how he makes me feel all the time. He's been so paitent with me in these past couple of weeks. I feel like the WORST mommy ever to him, and I know everyone has told me that he won't remember. But I still feel awful. I'm so glad he's so forgiving. And I will make it up to him. I have enjoyed the moments that he's been extra snugglying with me. It's like he knows I need them. :)
I'm so glad he enjoys the simple things in life and I hope that the Mr. and I can instill that in him forever. Our evenings are filled with simple things these days. I love him, our simple evenings and all the simple moments.
I know things are going to quickly change for me, this sweet boy and my supportive husband. But I'm excited and ready! :)

1 comment:

  1. His little tummy is so cute! I saw an awesome picture and it was mommy, daddy and a toddler and they all had their shirts lifted. Mommy's tummy said "twins" and daddy's tummy said "root beer" and toddler's tummy said "milk" so adorable.. made me think of you!
