Sunday, January 30, 2011

Snapshot Sunday

** Wrong date for the week...this week ended on 1/29.

1/23-With sweet Lucy girl!
1/24-Mr. and Ethel being kangaroos again!
1/26-Ethel watching TV with us.
1/27-Mr. sent this to me from his phone. :)
1/29-Will you be my bridesmaids? L asking us to be her bridesmaids for her DISNEY wedding in November!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

He loves to work on motorcycles, work on old cars, work on planes! My sisters and I are blessed to have him as our dad! He is a very smart man! 

Love you Daddy, hope your day is great!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

BFF Birthday and So What Wednesday!

Happy Birthday C!!!
C is one of my very best friends and she is the most wonderful mama to baby WRG and an excellent teacher! I'm so lucky to have her in my life!

I hope you have a wonderful day C! LOVE YOU!

Now, here is So What Wednesday:


Go over to Life After I "Dew" to join in!

So what if:
  • I write things in pencil in my caldendar if I don't know if it's a for sure thing.

  • I'm doing other things while I'm taking an online class...I can multi-task!

  • It drives me crazy when my students tap on their desk...

  • I'm missing 8 days of school for professional events...lots of great conferences for school!

  • I'm kind of sad that we won't have the day off in April now because we have to make it up for the snow.

  • I don't want snow days ever again!

  • If Teen Mom makes me cry almost every week!

  • If it makes me sad that I can't read all the blogs I follow everyday now, the break spoiled me!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday, I love you!

First of all: THANK YOU for all your kind words! It's so amazing the nice and encouraging things some of my readers left me! I'm blessed to have bloggy friends who take the time to read my blog and respond. Thank you again!

Second: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my work buddy J!!! WHOOOHOOOO! Such a sweet girl to work with! We have ALOT in common and teach in many of the same ways...she is SUPER fun to work with! So, Happy Birthday J!

Third: Look what I got at the store this weekend:
If you know me personally, you know this is my ALL-TIME favorite CANDY!!!! It's only out from now until Easter...but don't you worry I get my fair share! Well, I shouldn't say fair share because I eat way more than that! haha!

Fourth: I have the best study buddies ever! :
My sweet girly pups helped me study this weekend! :)

Fifth: My sweet intern blogged about this's a good one! When I first started blogging I found lots of young women who are Mormon and I've been very intrigued by their blogs and now I'm glad to find out that I'm not the only one!

Sixth: I'm loving this week so far! Hopefully it's loving me back all the way until the weekend! :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hello friends!

We had a great/busy weekend! Saw the family for a quick second this weekend to celebrate Mr.'s dad's birthday. Got things organized around the house, attended church, worked out, laundry, grocery shopping and more. Got ready for the busy week ahead.

Do you ever find yourself surrounded with some people who don't have the same priorities as you? Maybe you thought these people were in the same place as you but really they aren't? What did you do? Give me some advice!

I'm excited about this week, after today, I have lots of special people with birthdays! I love birthdays! It's your own personal holiday!

I'm so happy with where God has me right now! I'm so blessed to have the job I have, be in grad school, have an extra job(even though soemtimes I complain about it), be married to my best friend, have the 2 CUTEST dogs, and amazing family and friends! As one of my new years revloutions was to try to find happiness in where I am, so sometimes I just need to write about these things to remind myself! :)

Did you have a good weekend? What did you do?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

SnapShot Sunday

Little Explaination this week:
1/16-Ethel sleeping with her favorite Beanie Baby
1/17-Mr. found an old picture of Big Red
1/18-My professor signing my book that HE wrote!
1/19-New student ID
1/20-Before hair cut
1/21-After hair cut
1/22-Mr. Hammarlund's birthday cake!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to the best Father-in-Law ever!

(only one I have!)
I'm lucky to have a FUNNY, loving, talented and smart father-in-law! He tells the best jokes! Some that I tell others! :) He loves to boat, fly and eat popcorn! He loves to call the Mr. and ask about Lucy!

Lucky to have him as my family!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Week in bullets:

  • Short weeks are always LOOOONNNGGG weeks!
  • I have the most PRECIOUS intern this semester! She is going to be such a great addition to our classroom!
  • Back pain is NO fun!
  • I love grad school so far!
  • Spelling Bees are extreme competition!
  • I love how excited Lucy and Ethel are when I get home from work!
  • The Mr. has been so great taking care of all the accident stuff. :)
  • I'm looking forward to the weekend...and sleeping in a bit!
  • Getting lost on campus is kind of embarrassing considering I'm a GRAD student!
  • Dancing with kids at school is super fun!
  • Forgetting things going on in peoples lives makes me super sad...
  • Five people that I'm close to celebrate their birthdays next week!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

SO What Wednesday

Go over to Life After I "Dew" to join in!

  • If I could eat an entire dozen of Krispy Kreme donuts by myself! (Not in one sitting!)

  • If I have everything color-coded in my calender.

  • If I lay my clothes out for the entire week on Sunday...this includes socks, underwear and shoes!

  • If I don't like those home-make-over shows, the Mr. loves them, but they drive me crazy.

  • If I could drink DD coffee everyday, but I'm so good and don't.

  • If I'm scared to drive now, I was hit head on last week...give me a break.

  • If I'm over winter, snow last a week in GA is way not normal...I'm ready for spring!

  • If I hate with a passion to pluck my eyebrows...I mean I do it, but do not like it at all!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow Week

As yall know, the South was hit with a MAJOR snow storm! No school for a week and tons of ICE!

Before all the ice I got some pictures of the pretty snow!

So pretty before the snow was all stepped in!
 I love this picture! We opened the back door to find how it piled up!
 Girls stayed warm inside with some blankets and coats!
 B and A came over for a little while on Tuesday!
 We found a good hill in the neighborhood to sled! The Mr. helped me get started!
 Action shot...about 2 seconds later I ran into some bushes and fell! haha!
 The snowman we built! So fun! I'm not very good at making the body!
A and B with the snowman too!

I probably won't ask for anymore snow days! It's a teachers dream to have a day off from school...but a whole week and an accident was a bit much! It was nice to be able to rest and spend time with Mr. but I seriously have missed my students and the routine of life! :)

Back to work today and I get to start grad school today too! YAY!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday

Hello all,

I'm feeling somewhat better. Still head is much better just sensitive now. And my back is still very sore, but I'm still so thankful that I wasn't hurt even more. Thank you for all your sweet comments, I'm so blessed to have such great family, friends, and bloggy friends too!

Before my accident I told a friend at school I would make a smash cake for her little girl's first birthday, and I didn't want to disappoint her by not making it. So, I rested in between baking and icing the cake...but I like how it turned out:
 She is going to have her pictures made with this cake and then next weekend I'll make another one for her birthday party! Such a cute idea!
 Saturday the Mr. wanted me to get out for a little bit. C and her sweet husband were coming into town to go shopping so we met them for lunch! I'm so lucky, I got to see C two weekends in a row! She also surprised me with this:
 YUMMY! She knows me so well! KK is my FAVORITE!!! I think they really helped with the healing process! ;)

I've been taking it easy because this week is going to be super busy...going back to school after a week off because of the snow, grad school will start this week (it was supposed to start last week, but was closed due to snow too), ASP, small group, and much more!

The Mr. and the pups have taken good care of me while I've been healing. The Mr. has been a super nurse! He's given me my meds and fed me well! Lucy and Ethel have been great snugglers:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Snapsnot Sundays

Project 365 is going great!
Here is week 2:

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    Bye Big Red

    So, yesterday started out normal...well kind of. Day number 4 of no school because of the snow/ice. I wanted to get out of the house, so I called my BFF M, and asked her if she wanted to ride with me to campus to get my ID for grad school.

    The roads weren't bad on the way to M's. Got her and headed to campus. Well, we hit black went crazy and we ended up in a ditch. But we were fine! I called the Mr. and he said he was on his way to get us out of the ditch.

    Well a few minutes later we were hit head on from another truck who hit the black ice. It was so scary to know we were about to be hit and couldn't do a darn thing about it!The Mr. was on the phone with me when we got hit so he heard everything.

    Everyone was okay that was in the wreck...just banged up a bit!

    My neck/back is super sore and is causing alot of pain...and I have a massive knot on my head! It's pretty impressive...M made me laugh alot throughout the whole day. I was taken to the ER for x-rays of my neck. And was discharged about 2.5 hours after getting there.

    Headed home with meds...hopefully they will help!

    Here are some pics for you to see...I'm pretty sad about my car...I love "Big Red", such a safe car. AND...we just picked it up last Friday and had to pay $700 to have it fixed!