Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week 34

Dear Tucker, 

Do you realize how happy you make your Mommy and Daddy? We can't get enough of you!! :)
You are in serious almost crawl mode. You haven't done it yet, but you are getting close. You can move around in a circle and you can roll to get where you want. Part of me doesn't want you to crawl because that means you're growing WAY too fast. 

You love Elmo and books so an Elmo book is the best! :)

You love your Daddy and we are working on you saying Dada!

This is probably one of my favorite pictures of you so far! Daddy feeding you a bottle and you playing with your feet at the same time. You are so happy and comfy! ha!

Our nightly routine is so special to Mommy and I just love watching you fall asleep. 

Mommy and Daddy had fun with you Wednesday night getting you ready for bed. Daddy doesn't usually get to do this because he is in class so it was a fun treat to do it as a family!

Daddy will be doing some lesson for his grad school class at Mommy's school. So you got to come visit this week! Mrs. T loved playing with you and you loved playing in her desk!

The weather has been so nice this week and you love to go outside and play!

You helped Daddy make some of your baby food this week! :)

You love to eat! Some of your favorites right now are avocado, bananas and carrots!

You make us smile all the time!

 You love to eat and read your books!
We got on video you this week what sounded like "Elmo" ! ha! 

We are so thankful for you sweet boy! Being your parents is so much fun! 

We love you Tucker John!


Thursday, September 27, 2012


It seems as though I'm having a harder time than I thought I would about losing my grandmother. No one knows how they will feel when someone they love passes away. I consider myself a pretty strong person. But dealing with death is new for me. The only other person that I've lost super close to me was Nana two years ago. But now, this is my grandmother. My grandmother that was WAY to young to die. Only two weeks before she died she was holding my son and smiling.

I know this pain will soon pass and only happy thoughts will come up when I think about my grandmother. But right now there is a lot of sadness.
(this little girl missed us while we were gone this past weekend)

I'm praying a lot about all of this and trying to stay as happy as I can. I'm trying to rely on God to help me with this process.

Enjoying the life around me I think is a really good way to move forward too.
Holding and loving this little boy even tighter in the past few days has really helped.

I miss my grandmother so much. But I do have all the wonderful memeories in my heart forever.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


It's Wednesday!
So what if....
  • I'm really sad. Losing a grandparent is the pits. 
  • I loved the fact that I was with my sisters this weekend even though we were brought together by something really sad. 
  • I'm wishing I had a vacation planned.
  • I'm loving the new season of GLEE!
  • I'm in love with this's just perfect!
  • I'm ready for some pumpkin type pumpkin bread! And I seriously need to have a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks ASAP!
  • I'm cannot stand to shave my legs...I plan my outfits so I don't have to shave often...I know that's gross to some of you...o well. 
  • I'm ready for December 14th...have I said that enough? ha!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

TJH loves Honey!

Please excuse my annoying voice...but please watch this sweet boy send love to his Honey!

My mom was put in the hospital this past weekend for high blood pressure and chest pains. We were sad that she was away from us during this super sad time, but we are glad she went because they may have found some of the answers to her health problems. 

We love you Honey!

Monday, September 24, 2012

RIP Marmee

(GiGi to Tucker)

My grandmother went to heaven on Thursday morning. 

We are so sad about losing her but we are so happy she is no longer in pain. 

We are so thankful for the memories we have with her. 

And we are so blessed that Tucker got to meet his GiGi. 

Marmee was a very funny woman. She told it like it was...very honest. 

We love you Marmee and we are thankful for the years we had with you. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Week 33

Dear Tucker,

We've had a hard week and you have been such a wonderful baby! You've made us smile so much when we've needed lots of smiles! 

Your GiGi went to heaven this week. We are so glad she got to meet you before she went to heaven. 

You LOVED chewing on didn't actually eat it but it was a great teething toy. :)

Your Aunt B found this chair and we had to put you in it for a picture! 

You are still so cuddly and we just love it! I hope you never grow out of it!

You got to spend a lot of time with your Aunties and Honey! The sad event brought us all together and it was nice to have our family around you and us during this time. 

This is one of Mommy's favorite pictures of you! :) Your Aunt LK was playing with you in the car and she took this! :)

You got to see AHB and you loved watching him! 

You still love Elmo so much! 

Hanging outside in your pjs! ha!

You got to spend time with Honey this week too and you loved being with her and you really cheered her up a lot after GiGi went to heaven.  

You've found some creative ways to sleep in your crib. 

This picture we will cherish forever...especially the event. Your GiGi loved on you a lot at your baby dedication. 

You still don't have any teeth but you are putting everything in your mouth! :)

This week you got to watch Elmo with your Honey!

And Mommy found you a new Elmo toy! 

You were such a flexible baby this week as we went through some sad/stressful times. You kept smiling and loving us. 

We are so thankful for your life and we don't take it for granted. 
We love you TJH!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


It's Wednesday!
So what if....
  • I have been sick to my stomach for the past week. Thinking about my grandmother and worrying about her has made this happen. 
  • I'm sore from working out...I love that our PE coach is kicking our butts with the workout groups at school!
  • I love that Tucker is obsessed with Elmo! It's SO cute!
  • I'm so excited that some of the Mr's friends are getting married/engaged now! :)
  • I'm shocked/confused about the pictures of Duchess Kate being this true?
  • I'm enjoying my class this year...some of them are too funny and all of them are so darn cute!
  • I'm sad that I didn't get more sun this past weekend but it was nice to get what I did. :)
  • I LOVE seeing TJH look at the's so darn sweet!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Saying Goodbye to Summer!

We said good bye to summer with one last trip to the ocean! :)

We headed down last Thursday night to the Keys! It was Tucker's first time flying and he did amazing!!!

Friday morning we woke up early to play!

Grandpa bought a new inter tube for boating but Tucker and A thought it was so fun to play in!

Cousins and brother and sister!

My sweet boys!

Tucker LOVED the pool! It was warm and I think he thought it was a big bath! He would splash and splash and it didn't bother him that the water was all in his face. 

A wore Tuck's old swim shirt and GMama found the same one but bigger for this trip! So they both had matching shirts and of course Grandpa had to get them matching Delta hats!

Tucker freaks out when I sing the ABC's...not sure why but I love his face while I sing!

Grandpa and his little look a like!

Fun swimming with GMama!

So much fun with Daddy in the pool!

Uncle B loved playing with TMan!

We took the babies out on the boat for a little trip to the sandbar! TMan LOVED it and the salt water didn't bother him one bit!

But he wasn't the biggest fan of the PINK life jacket! ha!

Drying off from a big swim!

We enjoyed a nice dinner out by the ocean!

Tucker had to wear his sunscreen! ha!

And of course another one of Daddy's outfits from when he was a baby!

T and A love to play together! A just looks most of the time and sometimes will say something to him! T loves to grab A!

Being silly playing with a blanket with Aunt A!

Love these two boys so much!

Uncle B with his two babies! ha!

Very proud grandparents!

It was a wonderful weekend! We are so blessed to have that time with our family! 

Goodbye summer...we shall see you again soon!