Sunday, July 21, 2013

Breastfeeding...not so scandalous!

My Facebook feed has been filled with breastfeeding articles recently and I have truly enjoyed them! I know some people are so against it or think it's taboo...those people in my mind are the taboo ones. Now, I'm personally am not the extreme breastfeeding type of mama but I support it 100% and love that people are bringing more attention to it.

Tucker and I were successful for 11 months and it brought me so much joy to have that bond and provide that nutrition for him. I know not everyone has such wonderful success stories, but I believe with the right support you can do it! And at the beginning it is NOT easy for everyone. I think some women go into it uneducated and think it will be so easy and then when they begin and it's tough they give up quickly. I so want to help these women so much. (Later in my life when I become a doula, I will focus a lot of studying on breastfeeding so I can really help new mamas with this. But until then...) 

I plan on nursing my twin girls...and you should hear some of the comments I've gotten about this. "Are you crazy?" "How is that even possible?" "How will you even have time for yourself?" I have responded with a smile and some very positive answers. No, I have never nursed twins, but I'm not going to let it stop me from doing it. There will be moments that will be super tough I'm sure, but it's worth it. It's worth the lack of sleep. It's worth the sore breasts. It might be tough to juggle two nursing newborns and a busy 19 month old. But we are going to do it...and you may ask who is "we"? Well, I wouldn't have been successful at nursing Tucker without the Mr. Having a partner that is 100% supportive is necessary when it comes to nursing too. I am so blessed to have that. So, I know that he will be a huge part of me nursing the girls. 

So, I say all of this to say, that breastfeeding it getting more attention and it's not scandalous! 
Here are two great articles that promote if you know someone who is struggling with breastfeeding, judging,  or is just down-right negative about it send these articles their way. :)


  1. So proud of you my friend and for holding strong to your beliefs! No matter what happens, I support you 100%! And I will be happy to watch TJH anytime you need my help!

  2. Some people need to learn to keep their mouths closed:) I think you will be great and the twins will be great- breast fed or not!
