Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday, I love you!

First of all: THANK YOU for all your kind words! It's so amazing the nice and encouraging things some of my readers left me! I'm blessed to have bloggy friends who take the time to read my blog and respond. Thank you again!

Second: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my work buddy J!!! WHOOOHOOOO! Such a sweet girl to work with! We have ALOT in common and teach in many of the same ways...she is SUPER fun to work with! So, Happy Birthday J!

Third: Look what I got at the store this weekend:
If you know me personally, you know this is my ALL-TIME favorite CANDY!!!! It's only out from now until Easter...but don't you worry I get my fair share! Well, I shouldn't say fair share because I eat way more than that! haha!

Fourth: I have the best study buddies ever! :
My sweet girly pups helped me study this weekend! :)

Fifth: My sweet intern blogged about this article...it's a good one! When I first started blogging I found lots of young women who are Mormon and I've been very intrigued by their blogs and now I'm glad to find out that I'm not the only one!

Sixth: I'm loving this week so far! Hopefully it's loving me back all the way until the weekend! :)


  1. OMG those Mini Eggs are my absolute favorite too!!! I look forward to Easter every year just for those darn things! haha! I totally stockpile them. :-) I'll have to go check out a store and see if we have them in yet too!! Happy Tuesday!

  2. what sweet study buddies you have! ;) I've never eaten those eggs.. but sounds like I better not or I'll be addicted! haha have a great week!

  3. Is that your first bag of Mini Eggs??? I know there will be many more!! Love you!!

  4. 2 comments. 1- where did you find those candies? They are my husband's absolute favorites and we haven't found them ANYWHERE in Georgia!!!! 2- Loved the article from your intern. Didn't know you were a closet Mormon-blog reader :) Let me know if you want any more to read? I have a big extended family and several are those Mormon mommy bloggers.

  5. I am a fan of the eggs as well...stock up now!

  6. And I now have you to thank for my new addiction! Haha The blogs linked in that article are amazing! A whole new world that I never knew existed. I am hooked. What beautiful blogs!
