Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow Week

As yall know, the South was hit with a MAJOR snow storm! No school for a week and tons of ICE!

Before all the ice I got some pictures of the pretty snow!

So pretty before the snow was all stepped in!
 I love this picture! We opened the back door to find this...love how it piled up!
 Girls stayed warm inside with some blankets and coats!
 B and A came over for a little while on Tuesday!
 We found a good hill in the neighborhood to sled! The Mr. helped me get started!
 Action shot...about 2 seconds later I ran into some bushes and fell! haha!
 The snowman we built! So fun! I'm not very good at making the body!
A and B with the snowman too!

I probably won't ask for anymore snow days! It's a teachers dream to have a day off from school...but a whole week and an accident was a bit much! It was nice to be able to rest and spend time with Mr. but I seriously have missed my students and the routine of life! :)

Back to work today and I get to start grad school today too! YAY!


  1. I love your snow pictures! Ya'lls snowman is precious!
    and I agree.. one or two snow days is wonderful.. but a full week gets OLD. I think everyone is ready to go back to school now!

  2. What a fun way to enjoy a snow day (I mean week) : )
