Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rain Barrel

The Mr. asked for a rain barrel for his birthday! His birthday isn't until February, but his present came early!

If you don't know this about the Mr., he's got a very GREEN thumb! He LOVES to be in the yard planting and making our yard and other yards look wonderful! He had a lawn business in high school and college!

So with that being said, he asked for a rain barrel for his birthday, so this summer when there isn't any much rain in the good ol' south, he will be able to water his precious plants. :)

 The minute his gift arrived! The dogs are excited too! 

Hookin' it up!
So excited, he wanted to try it out! (Ethel is thinking my daddy is weird cool!)
Wondering if he can get out!


  1. What a cool gift! Did he know that he was getting one or did you surprise him? Can't wait to see pictures of the yard this spring!

  2. These pictures are hilarious!! I love that big barrel size cardboard box it came in!! not too discreet packaging haha that will be a perfect gift for his green thumb :)
