Wednesday, January 12, 2011

SO What Wednesday!


  • If I haven't worn make-up since's been SNOW WEEK! (Not just a snow day!)

  • If I'm already reading books to prepare me for children. I'm a planner!

  • If the Mr. and I have ventured out onto the icy roads...we have 4-wheel drive.

  • If I scream with excitement each time I get the email there is no snow tomorrow!

  • If I'm kind of sad I didn't get to start my grad classes this week because of the snow!

  • If I can only watch Datelines and those scary shows with the Mr. I'm a scardy-cat!

  • If hair extensions really interest me. Not that I need them, but I think it would be pretty cool!

  • If I don't watch the's depressing.

  • If I haven't worn my contacts since Sunday too, what? It gives my eyes a break!

  • If I listen to Enya while getting ready, it keeps me calm!


  1. Hair extensions are fascinating to me, too! I kinda want to try them, ya know, just for kicks.

    With my luck though, it'd fall out in public and people would go on about my weave. Haha.

  2. Just don't leave the books out... that happened to me and EVERYONE thought we were expecting!! It was HORRIBLE!! M had to explain it to his aunt on why we had them and it went a little something like this "Well Aunt ____, one day Ash and I will have kids and we just want to be prepared!" Her response "Well you shouldn't need a book to do that." M said "Well we want to have GOOD kids"

  3. I haven't worn makeup all week either! Who needs to get all made up to spend time with your husband and babies (you=Lucy and Ethel; me=Whtiney and Sadie). Wish we could have spent time together this week with all these snow days! Love you!

  4. Found your blog on Shannon's link up, it's so cute! And really, you are right, snow days are an excuse to not wear make up!

  5. i so haven't worn makeup either. this mug was lookin rough haha

    & i want extensions & my hair is already semi long.

  6. I started reading pregnancy books, and I'm not pregnant yet, so I'm glad to see someone else is a planner and reads ahead for what will come! :-) Cute blog! I'm a new reader and have really enjoyed it!

  7. I would LOVE hair extensions. I have fine hair and would love to have thicker and longer locks, haha! I've always wanted to try the clip-in hair extensions by Jessica Simpson (who I love!) for a less-permanent & cheaper option!
