Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tubing Adventures

Our tubing adventure was awesome!
SO fun!

The Mr. goes down the river all the time with our friend T. And I've gone once with T and J. Well our close friends M and J wanted to go down the river today!
And we had a blast!!

The boys did all the dropping off of the cars and picking up Subway! And then they got us and we headed down the river!

Our large tube wouldn't fit in the car, so we had to put it on top. But we didn't have any rope. So we had to use an extension cord! ha!
M said I was holding the "kite" down! ha!

Arriving at the river with the goods in hand!

Lunch is needed with all the hard work you do while tubing! ha! :)

The boys got us girls in and ready!
 Using our cup holders for their beverages! ha!

Then we were off!
The river has small rapids that are just enough to cool you off but not knock you out of your tube!
A little bit into our trip there is a rope swing.
Here is the Mr. about to go for his first swing!
(Notice that us girls are just watching this activity!)

Great form! :)

Next up...J! 
So fun!

We are so blessed to have such great friends! Our day was filled with great talks about the past and future! And many many laughs, as usual! We ended our day with yummy hotdogs and tots!

What a great way to start out our Memorial Day Weekend!


  1. Looks so much fun!! Haha, I cracked up about the extension cord!

  2. Looks like so much fun! I'm such a weenie about water-fun but this looks safe! Is that your new car? I remember your accident but didn't see if you said what you got to replace it. Glad that you're enjoying yourself!
