Wednesday, December 15, 2010

SO What Wednesday!


  • >If I'm a few days behind on all my TV shows, I got bed at 8pm.
  • I don't wash my hair everyday, it's actually really bad for it if I did.
  • If I have participated in Spirit Week at school this week, all the cool teachers do it!
  • The Mr. and I have shared a car for a week and half. Car problems...stink!
  • If I got a spray tan this past week.
  • If my dog doesn't want us to take off her jacket! It's a true story! :)
  • If it makes me happy to wear jeans to work all week this week!
  • If for the past couple of weeks, I've had the same packed lunch. I don't feel like taking extra time to pack a different lunch.

1 comment:

  1. car troubles are THE worst.
    and my dog won't take her snuggie off! haha she loves being warm and cozy
