Monday, July 7, 2014

EKH & OCH Week 43

Dear EK and O,

Goodness our summer is flying by with you two sweet girls! You've made this probably the best summer ever! 

Early morning bottles! Mommy is able to make my coffee once I give you two your bottles. :) And then we can all play. 

EK, you are starting to really like playing with baby dolls. :) 

And this week you've really started to move. You sit on your bottom and pull yourself across the room. You aren't crawling but you get where you want to go. Even under things. :) 

TJH was reading his library books to you Olivia and you listened for a few seconds. :) 

Mommy was able to put bows in your actual hair this week! WHOOP!

You girls had mac and cheese for the first time this week and you LOVED it Olivia! 

You three are starting to play together and I just loved it!

EK, you still are not a fan of loud nosies or strange were playing and pushed the drill and it scared you. Mommy just had to take a picture. 

Reading books in Mommy and Daddy's bed. 

We've had to pull the dog tray up because you think you are part doggie Olivia! 

EK you were playing peek a boo with the blanket and toys. So cute!

Mommy took you all three to story time solo! Things would have been PERFECT if our double stroller would have fit through the door. So it was a little crazy but we all made it! We did this while Daddy had his first teaching interview. 

Later that day we went to G and Pa's house for a long weekend. 

You girls love playing with G and all the fun toys she has at her house! 

EK, you were trying to "help" your sister with her bottle. 

Olivia, you had bacon for the first time and LOVED it!

And you girls played in the walker for the first time too.

EK, you've started to hold your bottle more on your own. 

We were all so happy for Daddy because he got a call 1 hour after his interview that he got the job! :) 

You girls celebrated your 1st 4th of July! You girls had a blast all day long and didn't got to bed until 8:45pm!!!

Dog bowls are a trend this week! You two got into the dog bowls at G's house too! 

You girls are such good babies, we took y'all to see a lot of different people and you both were so good! 

We went to visit Honey too! 

You girls just love playing with your big brother! 

More bacon for you Owie!

EK you got to go on a special little golf cart ride with Mommy, Daddy and TJH. Olivia was already asleep. You LOVED watching the geese! 

Olivia, you are pulling up constantly and have stood for a good 10-15 seconds on your own! 

O, you LOVE to give kisses!

Watermelon is a favorite!!

We had a play date with two of Mommy's best friends! You girls had a blast! 

O, you took B's passy!! 

You two had frozen yogurt for the first time and LOVED it! :) 

These swings are made for twins! ha! :) 

You girls LOVE to swing!! 

You girls took a lot of good naps and went to sleep easily at night because of all the fun you two had!

You girls need to slow're getting way too big too fast!! 
We love you two so very much!

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