Monday, September 27, 2010


Six things you wish you could change or wish you'd never done:

Well before I get started...I don't have any regrets...because everything happens for a reason.

1. Divorce.

2. Started college as an Education major and not as a Nursing major.

3. Joined my sorority my freshmen year instead of my sophomore year...sorority was the best thing I did in college!

4. Played more games (even though we played a million) of Rummikub with Nana before she went to heaven. :)

5. Kept my hair blond...I miss it so much.

6. Listen to my sweet friends in college about that "stupid boy"...but things wouldn't have worked out perfectly with me and the Mr.!


  1. ugh I wish my hair was blonde again too, I wish we could just do it out of the bottle, but it would turn orange! :(

  2. Your hair was super cute blonde...from the pictures I have seen! You should go for it again! I have a friend at City Salon who does a really good job with blonde...her hair is close to our color naturally but she is blonde now and I always wish mine were her color! You should go see her! :)

  3. and one more thing...we all have that "stupid boy" in our past...and probably all should have listened to the people around us...but my "stupid boy" is definitely the reason Randy and I are together. So, thank goodness for that stupid in some ways!
