Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Mr.!


Happy 27th Birthday to my sweet Mr!

He is old! haha! :) Just kidding!
I just like to say that because for only 2 months we are the same age, and the rest of the time he is older than me! 

So glad that I'm married to my best friend! He is a big jokester, and when things get hard he's always trying to make people smile. He is a SUPER positive person and encourages others to be that way. (I think he gets that from his sweet Nana! :)...she would always say...Keep a good ATTIDUE!) He has lots of friends...true sign of a great guy! One of his biggest strenghts is that he is always finding ways to do for others! So pretty much, I'm a very blessed girl to be married to such a great guy!

I love you Mr.! Happy Birthday!