Saturday, February 5, 2011

Catch UP!

Yes, I'm alive. Mr. is alive. Lucy and Ethel are alive.
The last week has been life changing.

The Mr. and I are fine...and STILL together.

The Mr.'s company laid him off last Friday.

He took is well, he's solid as a rock and is looking at the whole thing so positively! He wasn't happy for a while there so it's kind of a blessing in disguise. God is in CONTROL!

I'm getting better...I didn't take it well at all at first. Which I know is horrible and some of you may think I'm selfish, but I'm not. Just had a few moments.

Last Saturday we were supposed to go buy my new car because of my car being totaled in the accident.  So, when we got the news Friday we decided not to make that move. So, we are down to one car.

But all week he has been applying to MANY companies. And doing things around the house.

So my prayer is that he gets a call soon for some interviews! Once they meet him they will just have to hire him! :) God has a greater plan for us.

So that's part of the reason I've been missing in blog world. It actually was pretty hard to finally write this post. Because I think alot of bloggers (including me sometimes) only are the GREAT things going on in our lives. It's not that we are lying, but just choose to share the good happy parts. I know there are some bloggers that share it all, and some of their blogs are my favorite to read. But I'm slowly getting there. I don't want my blog to be a place of complaining and whining. But also, I've formed friendships through my blog and I know some of them truly care about what is going on in my life.

Thank you for listening. I promise this week will be back to normal here at Diving Into Love! I do have fun things to share, but I wanted to get the ugly thing out of the way first.

Thank you for not UN following me because I've been MIA.
I'm back!


  1. You are so right, God is in control here and good things will come from this. I am sure of that. You are not selfish at all for having "moments" after the news. You are human!

    I'm glad that you posted this, not because I'm glad that you are having to go through this, but because it shows a different side of you that I've not "met" before.

    I have no doubts that you'll both come through this better than you were before, and that's because you got through it together and with God's help.

    Prayers for you and the Mr.!

  2. I will be praying for your husband's job search!

  3. I really hope things work out for you and your hubby... it is hard to share the "bad" things in life on your blog, I struggle with that too because I'm afraid of people's reactions. But you are right, we do care!

  4. Praying for him to find the right job for him quickly. Welcome back!

  5. aw lah im so sorry. I just got word that matt is being "taken out of the carrollton store" which pretty much means "less money." It's tough. YOU and ERIC are strong and you WILL get through this...I'll be praying that God shows you the right path to take. Love you guys!
