Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome Twenty-Ten!

The Mr. and I had wonderful New Years Eve!

We had sushi (we do this every NYE) and then headed to our friends for adult drinks and fun!

Not sure what's going on with my hair...but isn't my husband HOT!?!?!



We later headed Downtown in a taxi of course! :)

Love me some M! We had a blast ringing in the new year!

We danced alot while we were downtown!!

Such a good lookin' couple! M and J!

I'm a little sweaty but still lovin' the Mr.!

The Mr. and I enjoyed spending the extended weekend together!

Bittersweet about going back to work....I know I'll be fine once I get there but it's the getting there part!

I don't really do New Years Resolutions but I'm going to make two little ones and try to keep them....workout WAY more and blog WAY more! Ok?!

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