Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Hammarlund House!

So, with many many prayers and waiting we found out we are buying this.....


We couldn't be more excited!! We've been house shopping for about a month(which I know isn't long) and finally found the PERFECT one!

We found the house on Sunday with our relator. We put an offer on it on Monday and found out Tuesday at lunch that they accepted our offer!! I didn't sleep Sunday or Monday night at all!

The Mr. and I are SO blessed and cannot wait to share our house with many family and friends!

Thank you for all those who prayed for us! Please keep praying that the process runs smooth!

I have more pictures that I will put up soon!

Just trying to let it all sink in and enjoy this time!



  1. That is so exciting! Congratulations!

    Prayers that everything continues to go smoothly....

  2. Congratulations, that is so exciting! It is absolutely precious!

  3. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so exciting! I am so happy for you guys! And I will DEF. be praying for your closing etc. to go swiftly and smoothly! YAAAAY! oh,and the house is too cute!
