Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Friendships change. Friendships end. Friendships begin. I've learned as I've gotten older that all of this is okay. Especially the changing part.

My priorities have changed in the past 2.5 years...maybe having that baby boy and the sweet baby girls does that! :) Making time for friends has changed. That doesn't mean I don't care about my friends it's just that I have to adjust how much I talk and see them. Almost all of my friends have been understanding of this...most of them are mamas themselves and totally understand. We take the time we have together and cherish it. 

Some friends don't really understand it all..and that's okay too. Time and energy with them is less. Maybe they will understand eventually or maybe not. But this post isn't negative, it's just honest.

I am so thankful for the friendships I have. Each one is super special. And I'm blessed that these special friends get to be apart of my kids lives. I feel as though it's important for my children to see how the Mr. and I are with our friends. It's important to have these relationships. I think it will help them to know what are healthy friendships when they are older.

I would rather have a few strong friendships than a bunch of friendships that aren't meaningful. My prayer is that I can encourage, support and love the friends I have. Of course new friends are always welcome, but I will consecrate on the friendships that I have that are mutual and strong. My other prayer is that my children will find friendships that the Mr. and I have found.
 Positive. Encouraging. Loving. 

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