Thursday, September 27, 2012


It seems as though I'm having a harder time than I thought I would about losing my grandmother. No one knows how they will feel when someone they love passes away. I consider myself a pretty strong person. But dealing with death is new for me. The only other person that I've lost super close to me was Nana two years ago. But now, this is my grandmother. My grandmother that was WAY to young to die. Only two weeks before she died she was holding my son and smiling.

I know this pain will soon pass and only happy thoughts will come up when I think about my grandmother. But right now there is a lot of sadness.
(this little girl missed us while we were gone this past weekend)

I'm praying a lot about all of this and trying to stay as happy as I can. I'm trying to rely on God to help me with this process.

Enjoying the life around me I think is a really good way to move forward too.
Holding and loving this little boy even tighter in the past few days has really helped.

I miss my grandmother so much. But I do have all the wonderful memeories in my heart forever.

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