Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday!

(That's my sister! In the middle! Dancing the night away at our wedding!)
I remember the day Britta was born...I was 5 and not happy...I had been the only child for 5 years. My grandmother and I were in the elevator of the hospital with some huge PINK something. The nurse that was riding on the elevator with us asked..."Are you going to see your new baby sister??" I responded..."Yes." She then asked..."What is her name??" I say in a not so happy tone..."Her name is Britta...but I'm calling her Heather!" As you can tell I wasn't excited to have a sister and not happy at all that my parents were naming her Britta. I wanted her to be named Heather...and my mom says that I tried calling her Heather for a couple months.
But that has all changed now...Britta and I are best friends! She is the only person on this planet that can make me REALLY laugh! She is THE funniest person I know...and no she isn't "stand-up comedian" funny...she has a dry sense of humor and I LOVE it! She is the most talented woman I know. Beautiful inside and out. Caring towards everyone. And extremely intelligent!
I love you Britta Emily! :)

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