Friday, March 4, 2011

Week in Bullets:

  • I've used an entire box of tissues this 4 days to be exact.
  • Clartin D makes me feel weird but helps somewhat with whatever sickness I have going on.
  • I broke my work laptop...bad news...that's how I teach about 80% of the day...the screen is way broken. Who knows how much they will charge me for breaking it...ugh.
  • 5 school days until Spring Break...thank the Lord!
  • There is no I in team...just sayin'
  • I have no time to run or work out and it makes me extremely sad.
  • Busy weekend ahead...going to try to enjoy it.
  • Felling out of control is the WORST feeling ever. Especially since I'm pretty much a control freak.
  • TOMS are the MOST comfortable shoe I've ever put on my foot!
  • I've come to the realization that people will be jealous of you even when you are 26...I guess I thought it was a high school or college thing....I'm really not trying to be full of myself...but when people talk bad about me or cause problems because of what I do, then they must be jealous.
  • I love my dogs so much! They make me so happy every time I come home!
  • Have you had PeaceTea?? My little sis K introduced it to me and it's SOOO yummy!
  • I promise all my post won't be negative...just lots going on right now.


  1. I agree with the control thing.. I hate feeling out of control! and not to be a downer, but I'm 30 and people still get jealous and act petty. You just stay strong and stay above it. :-)

  2. TOMS really are the most comfortable shoes!! There's no going back after you get a pair! That's terrible about your laptop screen! :( Hope you get to feeling better soon so you can enjoy your weekend!

  3. Just wanted to tell you WRG loves you!!! Remember that!!! ;) I love you too!!

  4. gah, it been so long since ive stopped by for some reason!

    but i had to comment that toms are prob the best shoes ever! :)
