Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So What Wednesday!

It's Wednesday...


Go over to Life After I "Dew" to join in!

  • If I get defensive about my students! I want what's best for them!
  • If I had a wonderful time with my mom, sisters and Mr. on Sunday and we sat around together all day! It was wonderful!
  • If the Mr. and I email each other about Lucy and Ethel! (They are our kids!)
  • If I make Buffalo Dip for every occasion...everyone loves it! 
  • If I want to wear my TOMS everyday...they are SOO comfy!
  • If I'm super mad that I'm behind on Teen Mom!
  • If I love OJ...I have to have it every morning to take my vitamins!

1 comment:

  1. How cute! My husband and I email about Henry, our dog all the time, like coordinating who will be home to let him out and stuff like that. I totally understand!!!
