Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Excuse my absence...Drum roll....here is all of December!
So I turned one year older...I won't mention the age...you can figure it out as you read. But it's old. :)
The sweet sweet Mr. threw me a SURPRISE birthday party! It was perfect! I had no idea! Hence this picture:
He was able to get about 25 people to come during one the busiest month of the year! It was fiesta themed! DUH! Mexican food is my FAVORITE! :)

Our great friend J was able to attend! Thanks for coming! :)

My beautiful family-in-LOVE! They all helped make the wonderful food and get things ready while the Mr. was with me.
My beautiful Mommie!
K, Mrs.LAH, B and LK! LOVE them!

All my sisters!! K, Mrs. LAH, L, B and LK!
My YUMMY cake! My MIL made it with my favorite icing!

I got a margarita machine for one of my presents! Such a GREAT gift! We have used it so many times since! :)
Hint: there is my old age.

Thanks S and S for the great present!!!
The margarita machine givers: S and S! :)
I have the CUTEST nephew ever!
This is what I came home to on my actual birthday! Thank you sister B!
My birthday was so wonderful! Thank you to the Mr. for throwing the best party and thank you for all that attended! It made turning this old age a little bit easier! :)

CHRISTMAS 2009 with the Hammarlunds!

Miss Lucy ready for Santa to come!
Miss Lucy is the best present!

We attended a beautiful Christmas wedding! Some of our dear friends from our small group got married!
The Mr. and I baked 7 different things for the Christmas season! We made tins for all our loved ones! It was so fun! Here are the gingerbread cookies we made! We had a lot of fun decorating!
Christmas Eve...my whole family...We are so blessed! My sweet nephew was over the pictures!

Girls only! :)
LOOK what Santa brought Miss Lucy!
She was SOOO excited!
My family-in-Love's Christmas tree!

Lucy with her favorite present!

Me and my MIL on Christmas morning!
PJs and all ready to open the many presents!
Christmas morning worn Miss Lucy out!
Santa brings Miss Lucy a HUGE stocking filled with stuffed animals! They are her second favorite toys to play with. She got everything she asked for this year! :)
So, my mom has made all of us handmade stockings for her house. I'll have to take pictures of all of them to share. But the Mr. didn't have a stocking until this year. It turned out AMAZING!!! It's soooo him! Sounds strange but he gave her all his old Vineyard Vines boxers and she made this AMAZING stocking! So special!
So after the Christmas weekend, my sweet sisters came back with us! So fun to just have them around!
Miss Lucy loves snuggling with LK!
Mrs. LAH and K hanging out!

Miss Lucy is still so tired from all the Christmas excitement!

One of the MANY fires the Mr. has built this winter!
So we are all caught up! Can't wait to celebrate the upcoming NEW year!

1 comment:

  1. i love reading your blog for so many reasons. reason one is because Lucy's bone is out of control! Ha ha...so what i'm trying to say is that your blog always makes me laugh! But reason two...you are so uplifting and it makes me miss your sweet spirit! I'm so glad you had a great christmas Lah! love you and eric! and happy late birthday. Pssst 2-5 isn't so bad...it's been working for me thus far. oh, and jenni says that when you turn that age you must remember you are part of the most exclusive club on the planet. the mid-twenties club. :)
