So, it's Thursday, but my FRIDAY of Summer School! Thank goodness! (Only one more week...or 4 days left after today!)
The biggest problem child did not show yesterday, it was a much better day! But no telling if she'll show up today...but if she does I came prepared:
Last night I painted my nails this color! One of my very favorites! Call me a snob...but I really can only use OPI products now on my nails. I paint my nails every 4-5 days and I really could go longer with OPI but I like to change the color. If I use some other brand of nail polish they start chipping on day 2! Not okay!
So I'm totally on track...or even a little ahead on my training for my 1/2. But I ran into a big problem yesterday. I have two huge blisters on my feet. And man do they hurt! So, I have another pair of shoes I'm going to try today...not a fan of them for running because they are heavy but I have to run and I can't bare to put on my regular running shoes on. Does anyone know of a really good pair of light weight running shoes? They ones I run in now are Asics...and I love them but I think it's because I have high arches in my feet. Any suggestions would be great!
Our small group is reading this:

It's really a good book so far and it's making me think...I was raised in a wonderful church. And I was taught alot about the Holy Spirit. Francis Chan is challenging the readers to truly believe and rely on the Holy Spirit. I think some churches/religions steer away from the Holy Spirit or just don't bring it up regularly. Like the books title...the Forgotten God...but the Holy Spirit is so important. And personally I believe that having a true connection and relying on the Holy Spirit has helped me the most in my faith walk.
O, you know the FOUR...well I get to see them Friday! I couldn't be more excited to see three of my best friends! It's been since February that we've all been together in the same place! Lots of talking, eating and drinking yummy wine!
Also, pray for my lil sis K...she had surgery in her mouth yesterday and she isn't doing so hot...they had to go back to immediate care last night to get stronger pain meds. And Mr.'s Nana...she had a short stay at the hospital for some stomach problems. But she is back home now and on her way to recovery!
Happy Thursday(FRIDAY--for me!)!
I'm an OPI snob too, but only because they are the best :)