Showing posts with label VBS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VBS. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2011

Big Apple Adventure!

VBS (Vacation Bible School) was this week and boy was it fun!!

The theme was Big Apple Adventure...New York theme! TOO FUN!

I was a small group leader for 1st grade. We had a total of 32 girls in our class, I was in charge of 8 of those sweet girls! We had a great time learning more about  Jesus and having fun!

It was great to have convos with these sweet girls about their relationship with young but already going in the right direction!

One of the nights during recreation we had to do a scavenger hunt so I snapped a few pictures of the girls!

Picture with an apple!

Picture with a guy named Tony!

Finding the scripture in the city scape!

I'm so thankful the the Mr. and I found our new church! We feel so connected, fed and love serving the Lord there!
 Can't wait for VBS next summer!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Catchin up about this week!

So, my BFF C, came on Monday!
And of course she brought WRG! Her sweet little girl that is my NIECE! LOVE her!
She was soo good!
We went to a bunch of different places and C got some cute summer clothes and of course we found some CUTE stuff for WRG!

Hanging out with me in the fitting rooms while her mama tried on clothes!

Isn't she just the cutest!!

In her new outfit I just had to get her! It says, "I love my AUNTIE!"

All three of us! LOVE them!
Funny story, while we were out shopping K C's husband text her and said her phone would have no service for a while because AT&T had called. Well, we didn't think much of it and she just used my phone. When she got home K had gotten her a new iPhone4!! Such a sweet guy!

Snuggled with this sweet girl:

And went to Zumba!

Went to get a mani and pedi with my sweet friend J. I helped her and her husband paint four rooms in their house last weekend, so she treated me! It was fun! And my nails and toes look so pretty!

And then we had a luncheon for a sweet teacher that I work with. She is moving to Ohio to teach college! :) FUN! So there was about 14 of us and it was so great to catch up with everyone!

Enjoying my last day of summer without summer grad school classes! (They start tomorrow!)
Doing some baking!
Gym time!
Last day of VBS! :(

It's been a wonderful week!
I love summer!
And I'm truly enjoying this time that I'm not super busy! :)