It's Monday! Wow...not happy about going back to Summer School. O well.
I had the most lovely past 4 days!
I headed to PTC last Wednesday afternoon to keep two precious children! LK and J!
Their parents were off to NYC to celebrate their 15 year anniversary!
I've babysat LK since she was just about 2 months old and in April she turned 5! I can't believe how fast she has grown up! Such a smart and pretty little girl! J is just 6 months old and boy is he a good baby! SO laid back!!
I had such a great time playing and laughing with these sweet children!
Tummy time with J!

J is such a
strong boy, he has to do 2 breathing treatments a day and he does so good!

His shirt
does not describe his personality! He is currently teething and is still
so sweet! But I do
love this outfit! And I know our boys will have lot of nautical clothes just like J!

Look at that
sweet girl! LK and I had so much fun
playing kitty's, shopping and
laughing! I remember watching her when she was a baby and we couldn't do all of those fun things!

LK had a birthday party at Monkey Joes to attend on Saturday so their grandmother came to watch J so we could go to the party! Well we found a
Disney Princess jump and LK was so excited! Her
second home is Disney World! :)
I headed home late Saturday night and the whole way home I
thanked God for such beautiful children for A and R! They are
so deserving of these precious children!
I love you LK and J!
Baby Ethel was
SO excited to see me when I got home!!! She sat on my bag and gave me tons of kisses! I think she was trying to tell me that if you leave again
I'm going with you!
I have no idea what I'm going to do in July when I'm away from her and Miss Lucy for 2 solid weeks!
I came home
thankful, happy,
smells of baby, and with
I'm so glad I got to see you, L and J this weekend. I know they loved having you, you are so good with them. Ethel was so cute sitting on your bag, I know she will miss you in July put she will have her Honey and Gradma Hammarlund to look after her, you know we will love that! Summer School is almost over, it sure will make you appreciate your regular job a whole lot more! Kendall and Lacey are so excited about staying with ya'll. I guess you got get caught up on your running after playing "Mom this weekend". See you real soon...Love Mommie!
ReplyDeleteThese pictures are so cute! I have the same Vera Bradley bag and pink polka dot bag! Aren't they the best?! Ethel is just too cute and looks like she is growing up fast!