Showing posts with label support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label support. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Special House Visitors

After getting home and settled we began to have visitors at the house. We LOVE having our friends and family over. :) The girls had a lot of special visitors... and of course everyone was excited to see TJH too! :) 

Aunt K came as soon as we got home...she wasn't able to come to the hospital because of sorority recruitment and school. So we were excited when she could come! 

And of course Lucy and Ethel were excited to see Aunt K too!

W and L came to meet the sweet girls too!

Best friends with our THREE girls!

My grandparents came from FL to see us and meet the girls! My grandma was so excited because she is a twin mama too! She had twin boys...she was an expert at holding both of the girls at the same time. 

Aunt LK came back for another visit. 

All of us H's...just missing B. 

The Mr.'s best friend K and his new finance L came for a visit too! We were so exicted to see them and celebrate their recent engagement! 

J from work came to love on the girls. :)

Best friend L was so exicted to meet the girls too! 

The H's look good with two babies...can't wait for them to have one of their own someday!

K and M from school came for an afternoon visit!

Our dear friend L from Memphis came to stay with us while her husband was at the Ga Tech game. We loved having her here and she was great with the girls and of course TJH. 

GMama was with us for over a week and she of course loved on the girls a ton and helped us out SOOOO much. 

Our friends S and S from FL came up for a visit too! We hadn't seen them since this summer so we were so excited to see them! 

B and A from school came over to love on the girls after school one day. 

And L with her niece came to see the girls and L made a point to love on TJH a lot! :)

We have the best family and friends! We've been showered with so many gifts, wonderful meals and tons of love! We are so thankful for all of the support we've been given. Our girls and TJH are surrounded by so many wonderful people! 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Bare with me for a minute...

I usually keep it pretty happy and positive here on HammarLoveHappenings. Because that's our life. We are happy and positive people. I can't stand reading blogs where 1. They portray a fake life. 2. They complain all the time.
Well bare with me for a minute.
1. I know I'm more emotional/sensitive because I'm pregnant...and it's two babies...and two girls...more hormones that anybody can handle.
2. I know it's a busy time of year...end of school year, wedding season, and so much more.
But I'm going to vent for a minute.
  • I am tried of people saying, " You're HUGE!" "O my gosh, you've gotten so big!" "You're never going to make it to September!" People, I am carrying TWO babies...yes, my son is only 15 months old so it wasn't too long ago that I had a baby in my tummy...and YES, I will make it as long as possible. Our prayers are that I will carry these girls full term.
  • I don't like when people have pity parties or like to play the helpless or left out card. If you want to be apart of our lives....join us! :)
  • Self-centered people really annoy me. It's not all about YOU all the time!
  • It's teacher appreciation week...we should be appreciated! I read another blog that was complaining about it. Come do our job for one day and see what it's like!
  • Don't try to make me feel like a bad mother. Or that I'm doing enough for my son. I would lay down my life for that sweet boy. He is my number one thought in every decision I make. Of course with the Mr. too. It's our family and we will make decisions that are best for OUR family.
Okay, I'm done venting! :) Thanks for reading. I don't do this often but sometimes I need to get my thoughts and feelings out! And keep it real here!
And I will leave you with this sweet picture that our awesome neighbor took this week:
I am a very happy person and have SO much to be thankful for. I just have to remind myself that sometimes I need to distance myself from negative things and people. And looking at my sweet boy's smile reminds me exactly what is important in boys, my pups, and my sweet twin girls on the way and all of the positive people in my life that support me! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012


What is your calling?

What has God called you to do while here on this Earth?

This is coming from my heart...I'm not boasting or bragging about myself. I'm being real. 

Ever since I can remember I've dreamed and prayed about being a mommy. I knew God had big plans one day for me to become a mommy. And he gave me the perfect mate to complete this task. :) 

I also have known for a long time that I wanted to be a teacher. I used to play teacher when I was little, and I always thought my teachers were the best thing ever. I was blessed throughout life to have wonderful examples of teachers. After spending a year and half in a different major I finally listened to the Lord and changed my major to become a teacher. I've been blessed with the best school to start my teaching career. I learn something everyday from either a student or a fellow teacher about how to become a better teacher. 

A door opened for me to obtain my masters degree. I took this opportunity and ran with it. Completing my masters while teaching, being pregnant and now being a mommy. I felt as though the Lord opened this door for me and I'm so thankful I listened. I will graduate in December with a master degree that I'm very passionate about. 

So, back to me becoming a mommy. This was the calling that I've been the most passionate about. The moment I read "pregnant" on my at home pregnancy test my life changed. Changed for the better. The BEST. The thought of the Lord trusting me to carry a life for 10 months and then deliver a precious baby was the best feeling ever. I was blessed with an amazing pregnancy. No complications. I LOVED being pregnant. I enjoyed all the parts of pregnancy. I even at the end embraced gaining all the weight. ha! My delivery was wonderful and I had the best medical support and family/friend support though it all. Tucker was brought into this world quickly and without too much pain. ;) (I know and understand that this doesn't happen for of the reasons for this post.)

Since becoming a mommy things have been so wonderful. (Not saying that I'm a perfect mommy at all.) We were truly blessed with the best baby. Good sleeper, eater, and just happy. I know this isn't true for everyone. Motherhood just came very naturally to me. I pray daily on how I can be a good mommy to Tucker. I rely on family and friends for a lot of support and love. 

What this all boils down to is a passion I have now...a passion for mommyhood, babies and education. I have become obsessed with mommys and babies...I know that may sound strange. I have this passion to help and educate women on childbirth, nursing and mommyhood. I am not an excerpt this is a calling I'm having. I truly believe this is one of God's callings for me. I truly believe that the Lord is working within me to reach out to other mamas. 

So much that I'm going to share something that I haven't told but a handful of people...

August 17th I had put Tucker to bed and was starving. The Mr. was mowing the lawn so I decided to run and get some fast food. I was driving down the road about 7pm. I was on a road that I drive on all the time and I passed this woman walking. As I passed her I saw that she was carrying a baby in a carrier attached to her. And as I passed her I was told to turn around. The Lord spoke to me so quickly and I turned my car around. I rolled down my window and ask this young woman if she need a ride. She looked for a second and then said "O my gosh, yes!" I pulled into the parking lot that was nearby and she got in. She was super nervous and I thought I would have been to but the Lord kept me so calm. She slowly opened the carrier that was attached to her body and this precious baby girl appeared. Beautiful little girl. Tears filled my eyes. I didn't have Tucker's car seat with me. She decided that she would lay her in her lap. I told her that I was drive very slow. She then said, "I'm sorry, I'm just nervous." I told her not to worry that I would be careful and then I told her my name. The woman smiled so big. She then proceeded to tell me her middle name is Ann and her precious little baby girls middle name was Kylie Ann. It made me smile, we had a connection. I asked her where she needed to go and she told me. She seemed embarrassed when she told me the road name...well I didn't know anything about the road and I just told her to tell me how to get there. She seemed surprised that I hadn't heard of it. We started talking about her precious baby. She informed me that she was three weeks old. I almost lost it. I couldn't imagine walking down the road when Tucker was three months old. We talked about how her little girl was going through a growth spurt. Kylie was sleeping most of the drive and then when we were waiting at the last light before turning down their road she opened her pretty eyes and was looking around. The girl got so excited! :) I then asked her where she had delivered her and if she was new to the area. She told me that all her family lived out of state and that Kylie's dad wasn't in the picture. She said she had come to the area 10 years ago for college. She then told me that they keep to themselves where they live and she is trying to get them out of their current apartment. As I pulled into the apartment complex I began to get sick. What I was seeing made me want to turn my car around and have her come live with me. I won't go into details about what I saw, but I will just say that it's not safe at all. And not somewhere any child should have to live. I pulled as close to her door as I could get for her. I then told her that I hope she thought it was okay that I offered her a ride and I was glad she got in my car. She proceeded to tell me that she felt a good vibe from me and knew I wasn't picking her up for the wrong reasons. She thanked me for the ride and left me with a big smile. 

As I drove away I broke down. How could I ever complain about my house, my car, my clothes, or anything for that matter? My heart hurt so bad for her. I picked up the phone through my tears and called my mom. I knew she wouldn't think I was crazy for picking up a stranger. We talked for the next 30 minutes about how I have this passion for mothers and babies and that the Lord had this happen for a reason. I didn't just pick up a stranger for no reason. 

I was sad because I didn't ever get the name of the girl. I knew her middle name was Ann and I knew her sweet baby's name. But all night I thought and prayed about her. 

When I got home and told the Mr. we talked about it for while. I told him I needed to do something but I wasn't sure what I could do. He supported me completely and had the idea of taking her some things that we either hadn't used with Tucker or was left over. We packed a nice diaper bag full of items. Two packs of diapers, some clothes, wash cloths, lotion, soap and a picture frame. But when I told him where I took her home to, he told me that I don't ever need to go there alone. The next day after we had gone to the farmers market we headed over. She didn't answer the door.

So, we went back later. And she did answer. After she realized it was me, she opened her door all the way...welcoming me in. I didn't go in because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. I explained that I had some things we didn't need anymore and I thought she might want them for Kylie Ann. She gave me the biggest smile and reached out to shake my hand. It took everything in me not to bypass her hand and give her a hug. I was so thrilled that she made that gesture though. 

I tell this story for a reason. Not to boast or brag like I said earlier. I tell this story because I truly feel the Lord is calling me to do work with mamas and babies. He hasn't relieve His whole plan for me yet. I have to trust him on this. 

I feel as though the Lord gave me a great experience of being pregnant, delivery and early months of being a mama to prepare my heart for the work he wants me to do. I am praying that he will revile this plan to me in more detail but I do know that this is a calling. 

Have you trusted the Lord in a similar way? 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tucker's Baby Dedication

Sunday, August 26th was a special day for TJH!

We dedicated him to the Lord! We promised in front of our family and friends to raise Tucker through prayer, guidance and by being an example to follow the Lord! 

It was a perfect day!

Us with our amazing Pastor! 

My sweet mom and sisters...we were missing K because she was going through sorority recruitment. 

The whole family!

The H's!

Best in-laws ever!

With my sweet boy!

My little family that I love with my whole entire heart!

More of our sweet family!

With Tucker's GiGi(my grandmother)

TJH with his Honey and Mommy!

Dessert table

K and LMan

Sweet O with TJH!

K and R

My three best friends with my boy!

T meeting TJH for the first time

Uncle B with A!

Tucker John



Our church made this for sweet! And on the back is a letter for TJH to open the day he accepts Jesus as his personal savior! 

B and L

TJH and Gigi

GMama and her A

Me and K with our THREE boys!

LK (who I used to babysit!) and TJH!

These girls have been by my side for SOO much! 

Very special friend A with LK and J!

Our HS friend J!

We are so blessed to have such a supportive family and group of friends! TJH is one lucky boy to be loved by SO many people! 

Thank you to all of our family and friends for supporting us and loving on us always!

Happy Baby Dedication Day baby boy! We love you and can't wait to watch you grow spiritually!