Showing posts with label TJH monthly birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TJH monthly birthday. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

TJH_3 Year Update

Tucker John you're 3!!

Dear TJH,

Goodness, where do I begin?! You are the BEST little or should I say BIG boy! You are growing into a handsome, smart, funny and very loving boy! 

Here are some things about you at 3 years old! (We will get stats next week!)
-You love waffles for breakfast and of course the occasional donut. :)
-You love to play with trains, cars and airplanes. O, and dump trucks!
-Reading is still a big priority to you! You enjoy Curious George books, If you Give a Mouse A Cookie books, and books about dogs, trucks and ABC's. You also enjoy "reading" to us and the girls.
-You can sing your ABC's and count to 30ish. You can recognize a lot of letters and you can spell your first name. You know your colors, animals with sounds, and love love to sing!!
-Some of your favorite shows are: Curious George, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Daniel Tiger, and Thomas the Train.
-Eating is still hit or miss with LOVE fruit!! You'll at least try everything but you are still pretty  set on what you like to eat...pj&j's, chicken nuggets, soup, grilled cheese, and cereal! ha!
-Playing outside is always a go for you! You love to go on walks, ride your scooter or bike, or play with the pups.
-You take one 2-3 hour nap a day. You sleep 11-13 hours every night. Sleeping is still great for you, and you're sleeping in a Queen bed and doing great with it.
-You're the BEST big brother! You enjoy playing tag with your sisters and you're super careful with them. You enjoy building blocks with them too. You don't really like when they touch your trains or train tracks but other than that you're SUPER sweet to them. You also enjoy going in in the mornings to wake them up. And bath time is a blast with all three of you together!
-You only have to sit in time out every once in a while and it's usually just for not listening.
-You help us feed the dogs and put the clothes in the dryer. You love to bake and help with things in the kitchen.
-You are pretty funny! :) You love to make up silly names for family members and you laugh so hard whenever you come up with one.
-You are still so sweet and loving. You are always up from some hugs and cuddles. :)

Tucker, we love you SO very much! You are so pleasant to be around and we love being your parents. We cannot wait to see the great young boy you're going to become. Always remember that we love and believe in you.

Happy 3rd Birthday baby boy!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Tucker John!

Happy 2nd Birthday Tucker John!

Dear Tuck,

O my, I cannot believe you are 2 years old! I can't even describe the joy that you bring to us every single day. Your smile and big blue eyes light up the room and catch everyone's attention. You have the biggest heart. You love your sisters more than anything. And you are a huge fan of your Mommy and Daddy too!

The past two years have been amazing being your Mommy! You have taught me so much about life, love and myself. I miss you when you sleep and want to be with you at all times. You give the BEST hugs and I want at least 10 from you everyday! (And you usually always give them to me!)

This past year has been a big one for you! From turning 1, learning how to walk, traveling this past summer, going to the beach, becoming a big brother, and all the talking you have been doing! You love learning new things and experiencing new things. You still LOVE to read and to be read to. 

You are the best big brother ever. You love your sisters so very much and are so sweet to them. We are so thankful they have such a great big brother! 

I hope the next year of your life is filled with happiness, healthiness and tons and tons of love. You are the biggest blessing and we don't take you for granted at all. Your Daddy and I thank God for loaning you to us!

Now, go eat some cake sweet boy and make a wish on your 2 big candles! 

Happy Birthday love muffin! 

We love you so very much!
Mommy (and Daddy too!)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tucker John is 21 months old!


Weight: lbs 
Height: 33 1/2 inches--this is from his 18 month well visit
Clothes:18-24 months
Size of Diaper: Size 4

Daily Routine: Wakes up around 6:30-8:00am. Breakfast and play time. Nap time. Lunch and more playing. Nap time. Walk or outside time. Play time. Dinner time. Bath time. Books and Bed between 6:30-7:30pm.

Milestones:  A few words has turned into many words! Not all of it is very clear but this boy LOVES to talk! Some of his favorite words are Eth (Ethel), O (for Olivia), juice, all done, Mama, Daddy, open, off, no, honk (anytime he hears a truck), dog, Uc(Lucy). He knows almost all animal sounds and LOVES to bark like a dog and moo like a cow! Still teething a good bit...getting a pretty full mouth. This boy LOVES fruit! Can't get him to eat veggies...we are trying to sneak them in. A new favorite food is hot dogs. :) Being outside is his favorite activity...he would probably sleep outside if we let him. (Can't wait for camping trips when he's older!) He loves to run around in the grass, play with the dogs, explore our neighbors yards, ring doorbells, go on walks, and ride his little bike. He has adjusted to being a big brother so well! He loves to hold the girls, give them their passys and play with them while they have their tummy time. Reading has and is still one of his very favorite pastimes...this boy will read for hours alone or with us. I let him pick 3 books before bed every night and it's so cute to see what he picks every night.  And he now can say "Amen" when we are done praying every night. He gives THE BEST hugs ever and loves to snuggle up! He enjoys watching Curious George, The Cat In The Hat or Sesame Street...just one show a day. :) This boy brings our family so much JOY! Almost always a happy boy! I enjoy watching him grow and learn everyday!

**I CANNOT believe that my baby boy will be 2 in just three month! SLOW down time!


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Happy 18 Months TJH!

Happy 18 months Tucker John!

Weight: 25lbs 72%tile
Height: 33 1/2 inches 70%tile 
Clothes:18-24 months
Size of Diaper: Size 4

Daily Routine: Wakes up around 6:30-7:30am. Breakfast and play time. Nap time. Lunch and more playing. Nap time. Walk or outside time. Play time. Dinner time. Bath time. Books and Bed between 6-7pm.

Milestones: Walking has turned into running! :) He runs with his hands behind his back...we call it his Superman run.  14 teeth and one breaking thru right now. Eats just about anything and everything. Some of his favorites are fish, chicken, blueberries, watermelon, bananas, grapes, Frosted Mini Wheats, Nutri-grain bars, frozen yogurt, and Chobani yogurt. Knows where his eyes, nose, mouth, tounge, toes, hair, head and tummy are.  LOVES to dance to music..he will spin around until he makes himself dizzy. :) Hugs Ethel and pets Lucy(and Lucy allows him to touch him now!) Still loves to be rocked a night and snuggles up. Our nightly routine includes prayer time and he always puts my hands and his hands together to pray.  When asked where the babies are he will kiss or pat my's so sweet and every night he kisses them good night. The kid still LOVES books...he will read by himself in his bed and loves when we read to him. He enjoys to be outside either playing in his water table or taking a walk in his wagon.  He will laugh when we are laughing at something or when he's talking on his phone. Just a happy baby boy...always has been and still is at 18 months! :) 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

TJH is 15 months!

Weight: will update next Tuesday
Height: will update next Tuesday
Clothes:18-24 months
Size of Diaper: Size 4

Daily Routine: Wakes up around 6:30-7:30am. Breakfast and play time. Nap time. Lunch and more playing. Nap time. Walk or outside time. Play time. Dinner time. Bath time. Books and Bed between 6-7pm.

Milestones: Started walking just last week! He will walk about 10-12 steps and then drops down to crawl the rest of the way. Cruises everywhere else on the furniture. 9 teeth and one breaking thru right now. Eats just about anything and everything. He has started to steer away from baby food...doesn't want smooth food. Can climb up and down on his slide all by himself. He can get on and off the couch.   Climbs up the stairs. Loves to honk noses. Calls Ethel and Lucy when he wants them to come inside. Still loves to be rocked a night and snuggles up. Loves to make car or truck noises. The kid LOVES books...he will read by himself in his bed and loves when we read to him. He enjoys to be outside either playing in his water table or taking a walk in his wagon. Prefers his Daddy over his Mommy...this is just a phase I'm sure. ha!  He's a happy boy and is always making us laugh!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Happy 12 Months Tucker John!


Weight: 22 lbs-will update next Tuesday
Height: 28 inches-will update next Tuesday
Clothes:12-18 months
Size of Diaper: Size 4
Daily Routine: 4-5 bottles of whole milk, Oatmeal and fruit in the morning , yogurt and fruit for lunch, and Chicken and Veggies in the evenings. Enjoys water and some watered down juice.
Sleeps 12 hour stretches at night
Naps twice-three times a day...2-3 hours naps.
Milestones: Can stand alone for a minute or two. Cruises on all the furniture. Craws faster then Mommy and Daddy can walk. :)  LOVES to dance and shake your booty! Claps all the time! :)  Loves to eat chicken, blueberries and crackers.  Squeals now.  Runs in the walker all over the house. Enjoys being read to and sung to. Loves to chase the doggies. Enjoys afternoon walks. Has four big teeth and is always putting things in his mouth. Loves to snuggle up at nap and bedtime. Is the sweetest boy ever!

WOW, Tucker you are ONE now! This past year has been just amazing! Life is so much better with you in our lives. We are so thankful that God gave you to us to take care of here on Earth. We pray everyday that we are the best parents we can be to you. We love you so very much!

Happy Birthday Tucker John!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy 11 Months Tucker John!


Weight: 22 lbs
Height: 28 inches
Clothes:12-18 months
Size of Diaper: Size 4
Daily Routine: 4-5 bottles of whole milk(no longer nursing...very sad Mommy...but you are getting so big.) Oatmeal and fruit in the morning , yogurt and fruit for lunch, and Chicken and Veggies in the evenings. Enjoys watered down juice.
Sleeps 12 hour stretches at night
Naps twice-three times a day...2-3 hours naps.
Milestones: Crawling really fast everywhere. Pulls up on everything and will stand for a few seconds without holding on to anything.  Waves at everything and everybody. Claps all the time! :)  Loves to eat carrots, celery and Cheerios.   Rocks head back and forth when he hears music or we sing to him.  Mr. Octopus toy is a must wherever we go.  Runs in the walker all over the house. Enjoys being read to  and sung to. Loves to give the doggies treats. Has three big teeth and is always putting things in his mouth. Loves to give big hugs and kisses and still enjoys cuddling his Mommy and Daddy :)