I recently just read a blog...who I adore and she brought up an excellent point. Being more honest and open while blogging. I mean that is why I started this blog. Yes, it's to show pictures and update our family and friends on our lives. But I started this blog to get my emotions and fears and dreams down on "paper". Her post really made me think about this. And like her, I'm putting my foot down and going to be more honest and open. (Not that I've been filling this blog with lies...just not being very open.)
So these are my emotions, thoughts, prayers, dreams and much more...thank you BlondeAmbition!
Okay, so Baby Ethel is obsessed with the Mr. I know deep down she is a mommas girl...but she sure does love her daddy! I caught this pictures of my girls yesterday. Kind of emo...but love how they are both sitting the same!

We are just waiting for A and B to get "Olive"!

So, if you follow me on Twitter you know alot more about this than others probably...but I DISLIKE Summer School greatly! I mean I actually (HATE) it but I really don't like that word. I know what your thinking...well some of you. "You're a teacher...you only work August-May...why are you complaining?" But I LOVE LOVE LOVE what I do August-May...I devote so much of my time and energy to my job. My students become "mine" and I try to shape and mold them into future citizens that will succeed.
So I was thinkin...okay I don't have any children and the Mr. works though the summer(he's not lucky enough to have teacher hours) so I'll teach summer school. It's only 15 days...7:45am-12:45pm...Monday-Thursday. Well that's fine and all but when you teach kids that don't care one bit about their future, school, their lives and believe that I owe them something it's not fun. Now, these are the kids that did not pass the CRCT and must pass it to go onto 6th grade. I don't know all of these kids because they are form 4 different elementary schools. Well, I'll just say the few students I had this past year that caused "problems" are angles compared to these kids. I have three girls that are just horrible. I've been called so many things in the past 3 weeks. Now, I don't really care what they call me or how they behave but I do care about the other students in the classroom that have to listen to them and are distracted by their actions. I have students who are taking summer school very seriously (like they should) and are working so hard and it's not fair to them to have to deal with the three girls who are not taking summer school seriously. So needless to say...I've been so stressed and it's just a miserable experience. 6 days left....
But I will end this topic with a positive note...I am SO thankful for the students who attend my school regularly and their parents, I'm thankful for my administration who always has my back, and I'm thankful for this experience so that I can be even more thankful for my school!
After summer school yesterday...Baby Ethel is tired too...
Yes, that is real. I honestly believe that it was hotter than that yesterday. Now, don't get me wrong...I love Georgia and this is my 25th summer in Georgia...you think I would be used to the heat...but it's still a shock how hot it gets in GA! haha! That was the temp that it was when I had just gotten out of an hour of ZUMBA! I'm lovin' my workout schedule right now...I'll share my training schedule with you soon for my 1/2. But I honestly feel soo accomplished every time I finish a work out.
On a workout note...I would love to give a shout out to my mom and K and L...they all three joined the gym last week! It's always better with a buddy! And K and L are being very encouraging of our Mom to get in the gym. We all know she wants it too...but I know what it's like to find an excuse not to go. And my mom tried her FIRST ZUMBA class last Thursday...and the verdict....SHE LOVED IT! I knew she would!
O....one of my dear friends/sorority sister/roommates from college got enagaged Sunday night! Couldn't be more excited for her! She totally deserves all the love in the world! She is a fellow teacher too! :) We talked last night all about the exciting story and where to start with planning a wedding! AHH! So fun! I told her thank you for giving me a distraction to my BABY FEVER!
Happy Tuesday y'all!

So, if you follow me on Twitter you know alot more about this than others probably...but I DISLIKE Summer School greatly! I mean I actually (HATE) it but I really don't like that word. I know what your thinking...well some of you. "You're a teacher...you only work August-May...why are you complaining?" But I LOVE LOVE LOVE what I do August-May...I devote so much of my time and energy to my job. My students become "mine" and I try to shape and mold them into future citizens that will succeed.
So I was thinkin...okay I don't have any children and the Mr. works though the summer(he's not lucky enough to have teacher hours) so I'll teach summer school. It's only 15 days...7:45am-12:45pm...Monday-Thursday. Well that's fine and all but when you teach kids that don't care one bit about their future, school, their lives and believe that I owe them something it's not fun. Now, these are the kids that did not pass the CRCT and must pass it to go onto 6th grade. I don't know all of these kids because they are form 4 different elementary schools. Well, I'll just say the few students I had this past year that caused "problems" are angles compared to these kids. I have three girls that are just horrible. I've been called so many things in the past 3 weeks. Now, I don't really care what they call me or how they behave but I do care about the other students in the classroom that have to listen to them and are distracted by their actions. I have students who are taking summer school very seriously (like they should) and are working so hard and it's not fair to them to have to deal with the three girls who are not taking summer school seriously. So needless to say...I've been so stressed and it's just a miserable experience. 6 days left....
But I will end this topic with a positive note...I am SO thankful for the students who attend my school regularly and their parents, I'm thankful for my administration who always has my back, and I'm thankful for this experience so that I can be even more thankful for my school!

On a workout note...I would love to give a shout out to my mom and K and L...they all three joined the gym last week! It's always better with a buddy! And K and L are being very encouraging of our Mom to get in the gym. We all know she wants it too...but I know what it's like to find an excuse not to go. And my mom tried her FIRST ZUMBA class last Thursday...and the verdict....SHE LOVED IT! I knew she would!
O....one of my dear friends/sorority sister/roommates from college got enagaged Sunday night! Couldn't be more excited for her! She totally deserves all the love in the world! She is a fellow teacher too! :) We talked last night all about the exciting story and where to start with planning a wedding! AHH! So fun! I told her thank you for giving me a distraction to my BABY FEVER!
Happy Tuesday y'all!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you haven't been enjoying summer school :(. I'll pray for you to make it through the next 6 days! ha! Also, I'm glad you're gonna use your blog to express yourself more...good idea.
Baby Ethel and Ms. Lucy are so cute together.
And as for Hols- yeah she totally called me and I can't believe it! I'm so excited that my bf is getting married!!!!! YAY!
Miss you!