Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


So, everyone this year was posting their 2015bestnine. Well, I've been making collages for the last 4 years of our year...ha! I had already made our 2015 collage and then say this I did it anyways just to see what it would come up with. It's based on your most likes on Instagram. 

1. My big hair cut! I cut off about 9 inches of my hair in March! I've enjoyed it short but am growing it back out again!
2. Building and buying our new home! We were sad to sell our first home but have really enjoyed our new home!
3. Easter 2015
4. Tucker turning 3!
5. Me sporting my twin mama+1 shirt! Hot summer day at the Farmer's Market!
6. We celebrated 7 years of marriage in 2015!
7. Tucker started preschool! 
8. My new classroom in my new school!
9. The girls turned 2!

Great great year! Love all 9 of these photos!

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Here's a little Throw Back Thursday for you! :)

I was in 2nd grade and I got to bring my dog to school for show-in-tell. :) 

Gunner was the BEST dog ever! He was our Golden Retriever that we grew up with...he lived to be 15! 

2nd grade was my favorite year ever...I had the best teacher! And I love that I get to teach 2nd grade now! 

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Today marks a sad/happy day. Today is the day that Nana passed away 3 years ago. She was such a special lady to so many people. She touched so many peoples lives by loving them, praying for them and always encouraging them. 

The Mr. and I talk about Nana pretty often. And I really think Nana has a lot to do with our children. You are probably wondering how and why. Well, I always joked with Nana that I wasn't going to have ANY children born in the month of February because there are already SO many birthdays in our family in February. Well, TJH was born in February and I am so glad he was! :) Then, we found out we were pregnant again...but we knew we weren't due in February...but we did find out it was TWINS on Nana's birthday which is February 28th! :) Love both of those stories...I just know she is up in heaven having so much fun talking with God about all of her children, grandchildren and GREAT grandchildren! 

We love and MISS you so very much Nana! :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Saturday we had our 10 year high school reunion! Can't believe it's been 10 years! The Mr. was a class officer so he and one other officer put the whole day together and it was great! They arranged us all to have lunch at a nice place in Atlanta and then we headed to the Braves game! We had about 115 people show up! Which is great considering we graduated with about 420 people. 
So glad I met this cutie in 9th grade math class! :) Semi high school sweethearts! :)

LOVE these girls!! 

M and Mr.!

Me and C...LOVE her! She didn't graduate with our class but her husband did! And she is one of my sorority sisters! :) Loved catching up with her! 

It was nice to see some people I hadn't seen since graduating and it was great to see the people that I do see often! 

Go Panthers! ha! :) 
Class of 2003!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Aunt Love!

TJH is his aunties! :)
We LOVE when my sisters come to our house! The Mr. and I love hanging out with them and we appreciate their help so much. TJH loves it the most! He loves playing with his aunties!!
Now that K is out of college for the summer we've gotten to see her more which has been so nice! :)
It makes us so happy that they take the time to invest in TJH's life! I didn't grow up with aunts so I'm so thankful that my sweet boy will have memories with his aunties.
Yesterday they went to lunch at our favorite spot...Chick-fil-A and of course had to end the meal with an IceDream! YUM!

Playing with the bulldog/cow!

So happy to be with his Aunties!
We are looking forward to many more fun times with TJH and his aunties this summer!

Friday, January 18, 2013


So is anyone else sick of the rain? It's rained all week! All of the rain has made us stay inside and not do our daily walks. 

Well my good school friend J invited Tucker and I to join her and her son at the mall for some jump fun! There is a jump place inside our local mall. J told me that she started taking her son E when he was around Tuck's age. So we headed over there after I got off work yesterday. 

Tuck had so much fun!
Waiting on J and E to meet up with us. :)

Loves "driving" his feet don't touch yet. ha! ;)

Playing with Elmo's kitchen!

E kept thinking Tuck was going to take his car. :)

Trying to go up the slide. :)

busy, busy, busy!

The mall also has a train, so we went for a train ride! 

He really loved it, even though his face doesn't show it in this picture! He looked around and waved a lot!

E and J riding with us!

What a fun afternoon with my sweet boy! I cherish this time with him each day. He make any bad day amazing! I'm so thankful to be his mommy!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I'm always excited about the new year coming up, but this year has been so wonderful that I'm sad to be moving on. Not every moment has been perfect or great but the majority of this year has been filled with SO MANY blessings! 

Here is the recap of our year:


January was spent doing last minute preparations for our sweet baby! I had three wonderful baby showers given to us and TJH.

We packed our bags and anxiously waited for our son to be born! :)


This by far was the BEST month of 2012!
Tucker John was born on February 4th!

February was spent cuddling and loving on our new baby boy. What a wonderful addition our family!


March was spent staying at home on maternity leave loving on our baby boy.


I went back to work and the Mr. started to stay at home with TJH. The transition went very smoothly.

We visited the Mr.'s sister and husband for one of their baby showers.


May was filled with celebrations! Two of my sisters from college and the other from high school.
I also had my first Mother's Day...what a sweet day! :)

The Mr. also started his masters at UGA in May. He really enjoyed his classes.


What a fun month! First trips to the beach for TJH!
The Mr. celebrated his first Father's Day and we were at the beach so it was so perfect for him!

We went to see Jimmy Buffett and had a great time with our close friends!

And we gained a sweet niece!

 Tucker had his first 4th of July!
July was filled with many visits with friends! We went and stayed with one of Mr. childhood friends and her sweet family! We had dinner with our dear friends A and L. We celebrated my grandmother's 70th birthday!! And the Mr. and I went on our first date with out TJH and Tucker stayed with our close friends K and P. :)

July ended with celebrating R's birthday, Tuck getting pretty sick of the first time, visiting with my bff and me going back to work.


August started out with our 4 year anniversary!
TJH was pretty sick so we just kept it low key and went to dinner with our sweet boy. :)

I started my fourth year teaching and I continued to teach 2nd grade...which I LOVE!
Tucker finally got better towards the beginning of August.
Tucker went into the nursery for the first time at church and wore one of his Daddy's baby outfits that day too. 
Lots of fun visits from aunties and friends. 
August was a special month because we dedicated TJH to the Lord and it was such a sweet day!

My little sister K also went through recruitment and joined my sorority and my chapter! It was so exciting for her to be welcomed into the same sisterhood that I was 8 years ago!

We celebrated birthdays and played a lot. 
But we also lost Marmee/ grandmother went to heaven September 20th. We are glad she is no longer in pain but we miss her dearly. We are so thankful that TJH had the opportunity to know his GiGi. 

September was a fun month too! We had the opportunity to take TJH to our very favorite place...the Florida Keys!

Fall was in full swing for us in October! We did all the fun fall activities!

I went to Homecoming and it was extra special this year because my sister K was there bc she goes to the same college and is in the same sorority that I was in! :) T also got to meet a very special friend of mine and her sweet baby girl C! We know they will grow up and get married! ;)

Tucker went to Burt's Pumpkin Farm for the first time, he carved his first pumpkin, went on his first hay ride, played in a corn pit, dressed up like a shark and hung out with a lot of family and friends in between!

November started out with great news that our bff's are having a sweet baby girl...she will be here in March! 
We voted and T wore his flag pjs the night of the election.
We celebrated B's birthday!

November was also special because our close friend welcomed their second baby boy O! What a blessing!
Our Thanksgiving week started out somewhat normal...traveled up to see my Dad and R to have Thanksgiving with them and then headed to PTC for the rest of the week...and then...

Tucker ended up being life-flighed the day before Thanksgiving for Intussusception...we are so thankful that the doctors were able to fix his tummy quick. We spent 48 hours at Scottish Rite. 

We ended November with smiles. :)


December started out with us jumping into Christmas since our Thanksgiving wasn't the most fun. Tuck picked out our tree this year! 

Our best friends J and T had their gender reveal party and they are having a BOY...Baby T will be here in April! WHOOP! :)

My yearly visit to Santa with my best friends took place and we added our first baby! Next year there will be three babies in the pic! :) 
I turned 28(old!) and the Mr. took me out and my sisters kept Tuck. :) 
Christmas was in full swing in my classroom this year too!

I graduated from UGA with my masters and Tucker didn't like Santa! ha!
The Mr. and I had our yearly baking day! It was so much fun!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were just so amazing this year with TJH! :)

We loved having Christmas with all of our families!

So there it is folks...2012 was AMAZING! We are truly so blessed. Of course not every day was amazing but the majority of our year was awesome!!! We have so much to be thankful for!

Our family and friends really helped to make 2012 so great! 

We love all of you and are looking forward to 2013!

Happy New Year! 
It's 2013!