Today marks day number day 4 of bed rest...hopefully only 8 more! :)
A few things I've realized even more in during this time...
1. I work with the MOST amazing people ever...calls, emails, treats dropped off, and cards! We are truly a family at work and I just love it! I miss them all so much!
2. I married the most amazing man ever...I already knew this, but he's really shown me even more how much he loves me and our family. He's done everything for me, the girls, and TJH! I am so blessed to be married to my best friend and to know that he's willing to do anything to keep us healthy!
3. Our family is wonderful! We are so supported and loved.
4. Bed rest isn't easy...I think a lot of people think it's so fun and relaxing but it's not really. I mean it hasn't been the worst thing in my entire life. But it's not really something I would wish for anyone.
Lilo came over for a visit and borrowed my pillow for a few minutes! :)
Saying good bye to GMama...we were so thankful she was able to come up so quickly when we had to go to the hospital on Wednesday.
Our two pups and Flik were hanging out with me while M played with TJH outside. :)
Lucy has been keeping me warm...especially when I eat! I think she is hoping I will share!
This was from one of my SWEET co-workers! S text me and said there was something on our rocker on our front porch for me. SOOO sweet! And the peach chocolate was to die for! It took a lot of self control to save the Mr. a bite! And the beautiful PINK flowers have cheered me up for sure! :)
I've been able to read and snuggle with my sweet TJH a lot!
And he's been sooo sweet! He came up and lifted my shirt to kiss and hug the babies! Such a sweet boy!
The Mr. brought me a treat home from the store...a Scream was yummy! Tasted just like the normal Cadberry Eggs but with GREEEN inside! :)
Saturday morning, TJH and the Mr. headed to PTC to see the Mr.'s best friend. K just got home from Afghanistan, so they went for a visit. :) I stayed back. I got some good naps in and lots of snuggles with the pups.
This little girl hasn't left my side during bed rest. I think she thinks she is on bed rest too!
It felt so great outside that me and the pups spent some time outside.
They sun-bathed and I read some magazines!
During game time this girl slept some more!
K, R and the glad they were able to get together!
And I know this boy enjoyed some time with Grandpa, Aunt B and Daddy's friends!
Some fun things I've done while on bed rest:
Watched some good movies...including The Backup Plan...she has twins girls! AH!
Read some magazines
Made a FREE photo book through Shuterfly
Caught up with some friends on the phone
So, I'm going into the next week of bed rest with a positive attitude...because that's what my sweet girls need. Can't wait to hold them! And tell them when they are older about all of this! :)