Showing posts with label tummy problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tummy problems. Show all posts

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Catch up! :)

Since we haven't had internet in the past three weeks I thought it would be best to do a quick catch up! And of course we love to do that with pictures. :) 

So after we packed up our old house and moved out of it we had a few days between moving into our  new home. We came back to PTC and had some more fun! 

We went to the PTC library on the golf cart one morning and checked out some books. 

I was in town and able to celebrate one of my best friends birthdays. It was so fun! Nice to have an evening away with my friends! 

Sorority sisters :) 

Beautiful best friend! Happy Birthday H! 

We fed the ducks near G and Pa's house! 

And TJH enjoyed a nice big bubble bath in G and Pa's tub! 

We moved in and started life right away! :) 

My Dad came the day we moved in after he got off work to help us unpack. T loved seeing him! 

All came over not long after we moved in to hang out! 

Our first holiday in the new house was 4th of July! We had a blast! The morning was slow and was raining on and off. 

But then in the afternoon/ evening we went to two cook outs and then watched fire work in our new neighborhood! 

TJH really loved the fireworks and he wasn't scared of them. 

Our sweet new neighbors had their gender reveal just a few days after we moved in and they asked us to stuff the box with the correct was's a GIRL! :) We can't wait to meet her! 

Since things calmed down with moving I've been able to get back into running. I have to go really early before it gets insanely hot! Our neighborhood has been a good running spot...pretty hilly but still great! 

Girls had a follow up ENT visit...Olivia is okay for now with no tubes. EK had a little mucas on one of her tubes so we are doing more drops. 

TJH and I did a quick little two day trip to PTC alone. It was nice to have some time with him and we also had a few things to do in PTC. 

First stop was to see B, C and new baby C! 
These two cuties had a great time together! 

I loved catching up with B and holding sweet C! Such a sweet family! So glad we are still friends after 13 years! 

We had dinner with my mom and sisters...TJH enjoyed that a lot!

And then we attended M's 2nd birthday party! It was super fun! It was a pool/circus themed party! 

Three of the FOUR were together for the birthday fun! We missed H!

We've enjoyed slow mornings at our new home making waffles and spending time together! 

So I have 4 great friends who I don't get to see often enough but every summer make plans to get together. We had all of our education classes together and refer to each other as Block Buddies. We were missing K...her son was sick. But it was so great to catch up...the 3 hour lunch flew by! 

Tucker got some new pets! :) He really enjoys taking care of them! 

Olivia gave us a scare...she was having some major tummy issues. And since Tucker had such serious tummy issues we don't take it lightly around here. We called our pedi last Tuesday morning because of her bowel movements and then a very high fever. 

He had us come to his office and then he decided that it would be best for her to have blood drawn and an ultrasound of her tummy. 

We spent 7 hours in the hospital but we walked out knowing nothing serious was wrong. 

He thinks it might have been dehydration...she has never been a big water/juice drinker. They did some further testing on her bowel moments that came back a few days later that said there was no other problems. 

So right before we moved our dryer died...the Mr. took he whole thing apart to try to fix it but it's dead. So when we moved we just had our washer...our new dryer will be delivered at the end of next we were off to the laundry mat. It actually wan't too bad! I did 5 loads of wash and 4 loads of drying in about an hour and 20 minutes! And TJH was a great spot!  :) 

The girls have started to show some interest in using the potty. So we did it for a few hours the other day...I am NOT a good potty-training mommy! ugh! 

Pa came to see the house and fence! We loved having him here! 

Neighborhood welcoming committee! :)

So there is like 3 weeks in one post! ha! Thanks for being patient with us! :) 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Tucker's Tummy Update II

First of all, thank you for all the prayers, emails and questions about our sweet boy!
We went last week to Scottish Rite for two scans for Tucker's tummy. I talked about it in this post.

Well, we got the results and they all came back normal. Praise the Lord! :) We were glad that the scans came back normal. But we were also concerned because it doesn't solve the problem. Tucker is still dealing with extreme constipation.

We did try something new this week and we are hoping it helps. We have been giving him a cap full of Mirlax every night with his evening bottle. But we switched it to the morning because our friend L suggested it might work better. So we are seeing how that works before starting the new medicine that the specialist gave him.

Tucker's GI specialist did call us back on Monday and reported again that all the scans came back normal and that she wanted us to try a different medicine to see if it would help. We will try it if the change in time of the Mirlax doesn't work.

We just want our little boy to feel better and not have problems going to the bathroom. Our specialist did say that we have to get this fixed before he potty trains because it could really interfere with that.
Again, thank you for all the prayers and love. TJH has been so brave and strong through all of this and we are thankful that he's hopefully getting better! :)