Showing posts with label library. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2015

Our Wonderful Weekend!

Friday night kicked off Spring Break for me! I couldn't be more excited about the extra time with my sweet babies and all the fun stuff we have planned for the week!

Friday night we did our normal thing...dinner, little playtime, bath and then bedtime. But at bath time the kiddos had a blast!!! 
Tucker was getting EK's nose and she thought it was hilarious! I videoed just to get their laughs...

What a fun bath time! :) 

Saturday we had two showings on our house! WHOOP! So we had to get ready for that and get the kids out by 9am...and we did it! :) 

EK putting out her bottom lip for chapstick! ha!

The girls wished Aunt LK a very happy 20th birthday! :) 

Then we headed to the library to check out some new books! 

Then we headed to the Athens Kids Expo...we went last year and had a blast so we wanted to go again this year! Last year was more fun, but we still had a blast this year!! 

Olivia wasn't scared of the big dressed up characters...Emma Kate was little standoffish. 

So excited about their balloons! 

We watched a puppet show and heard books from the librarian! 

The Mr. and TJH built a boat at the Home Depot station! 

Then we went home for lunch...the kiddos fell asleep in the car so we did drive around for about 30 min. But we knew we wouldn't be able to transfer them so we prepared ourselves for a quick nap day! ha! 

We played at home for awhile and then we headed to the park! The weather was just perfect! 

M and the pups joined us too! 

What a fun Saturday we had! 

Sunday was a bit more laid back...we slept late kind of because of the time change. I also took the girls 18 month's so hard to get good pictures of the two of them.

We ended the day with dinner outside with the best neighbors ever!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer Fun!

We were only home for a few days last week but we had so much fun!

Monday was a restful day at home. I had a doc appt in the morning but other than that we hung out at home to catch up from our big beach trip. 

Tucker ate his first bowl of cereal on his own. :) 

And he actually got most of it in his mouth. 

Tucker and I did do some finger painting. We will probably wait a little longer to do it again...he was more interested in the bottle of finger paint then actually painting. :) 

Tuesday we headed to the pool with a bunch of my school friends!

We had a great time! I didn't get a pic of all the kiddos, but it was all boys! ha! 

Lucy had to go to the vet later that day and T and Ethel were not happy about her leaving. 
Tuesday evening we had J, T and baby T over for dinner! We got to catch up on each others beach trips. We had missed them! 

Wednesday morning we headed to Story Time at our local library. T loved it and it will def be something we do more of this summer!

After the library my Dad and step mom came for lunch. It was good to see them and Tuck loved playing with them! :) 

Then we headed out of town Wednesday night. What a great little week at home. :)