Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So, I got an award!

I can't get the rules to show up...but all you have to do is give the award to 10 other bloggers and write 10 things about yourself!

And thank the blogger who gave you the award:

Thank you BlondeAmbition!!!

1. I'm addicted to Twitter! Alot of my friends are not on it, and that makes me so sad! I love my Twitter community! I love that I can post freely and not worry about all the Facebook people. I love how I follow celebrities and news, and even local restaurants!!

2. Water is my favorite drink! Some of you may think...wow Mrs. LAH you used to LOVE Dr. Pepper, sweet tea and Coke! Well this is true, but I've always love water and now it's all I drink! Expect for my adult beverages! I crave water now!!

3. I have baby fever! My best friend is due in November. My other best friend has a one year old. I just love babies! The Mr. and I are putting it in God's hands, but we do have a plan on when we are going to start "trying" but I just can't wait! :)

4. I have texture problems with food. I know it sounds super weird, but it has made me a picky eater! Like, I don't like beans, soups, casseroles, mashed potatoes, mushy cereal...etc...get the point? I hate that I have this problem...but I do try everything...but I can like the way something taste but if it feels weird in my mouth I CANNOT eat it.

5. I paint my nails constantly! As you've read in previous post, I love OPI. I have to have my nails painted all the time! I wore fake nails for like 8 years before getting married! Then I took them off after I got married and try to keep them lookin' good! They are not super long but I like them how they are...painted of course!

6. I seriously fall more in love with the Mr. everyday! I know your probably getting sick to your stomach..haha...but I really do! The more time I'm married to him the more I love him. I am so thankful to be with my best friend everyday! I'm so thankful that I don't have to explain myself to him, because he GETS me! We laugh all the time and I think that is one of the reasons I fall more in love with him! I'm such a lucky girl!!

7. I strive everyday to be someone who others look up to be. Not someone who you are jealous of...someone you admire and love. I have alot of people in my life that I look up to and I just hope I am that for at least one person in my life.

8. If I was going to be something besides a teacher I would be: Cupcake/Cake bakery owner, event planner (but only for like bridal and baby showers!) or a full time Zumba instructor!

9. I used to hate my hair...now I'm okay with it because it's easy and fast! I just pray that it doesn't change when I have babies!

10. I'm all about positivity! I believe that keeping a positive attitude is so important! Sometimes it's super hard to stay positive but I try to do it all the time! God is in control of everything and He will never put you through anything you can't handle!

Here are my 10 blogger friends I send this award to:

I'll add more later...gotta go!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I know I already posted today, but when I was having my quite time this morning and I read my devotion, I had to share it.

In Full View

A man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and He examines all his paths (Proverbs 5:21).
Scripture: Proverbs 5:21-23

"Grandma, do you have eyes in the back of your head?" This is the same question my own children once asked. To their amazement, as a mother and grandmother, I always seemed to know when someone was into mischief.

Usually time-out followed the misdeed. And then I would hear a trembling, "I'm sorry. I won't do that again." I would kiss away the tears and forgive the child.

The Lord doesn't need eyes in the back of His head. I'm reminded of this whenever I fly. Depending on which direction I'm heading, I can see from the east to the west or from the north to the south. And so it is with God. He sees every path I take, whether it is good or bad.

Even knowing this doesn't mean I always take the good route. The above verses from Proverbs scare me a bit, for if I take the wrong path, I might not get back on the right way! I know God forgives me when I repent and turn back to Him. But I'd rather not grieve Him with my mischievous wanderings.

Wow...today is the LAST day! Thank goodness! Now, my summer can OFFICIALLY start at 12:45pm today!

Like I said previously, I'm an OPI girl! Well I recently got one of the Shrek collection...it's a light purple...it's hard to tell in these pictures...because once again I've taken them with my iPhone! O well!
Two of my sisters are spending time with us this summer and we all decided to paint our nails the same color!!

When I look at these pictures, I think...I have fat/bigger fingers! eww.

I came upon this while driving...it's our GOD such an AMAZING God!! It was just a simple...yet BEAUTIFUL reminder from from Him that he loves me and will ALWAYS be there for me.
I actually saw both ends of it too!
I should never worry...but I do. I serve an amazing God that will never throw me away or get rid of me. God reminded me of this today while I was driving.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Psalm 32:8.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Silly Bandz

It's the latest trend!

Just like...slap braclets, Beanie Babies, Pogs, Pokemon Cards, Frubies, and so many more...now it's Silly Bandz!

My students are crazy about them...and so are my 3rd grade girls in my small group at church! They come with their arms full of these rubber shaped bands! (Honestly...I think they are pretty cool!)

I bought some last night for my students (and of course for myself to have a few cool ones!) to give them on the last day of Summer School...which is in 2 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What will be next?!

Friday, June 18, 2010

This was my lunch today:

So yummy! Road Runner plus protein! It was a delicious lunch after my run and workout this morning!

I found this at Academy Sports:

With as often as I'm running now, I need more running clothes! Very light weight! And PINK of course...my favorite color!

All of the pictures I've posted lately have been off my iPhone...o well...they are better than no pictures and plus it's always by my side!

So I'm ahead on my running this week by 3 miles...WHOO YOOO! I'm really pushing myself right now to do extra because I know when school starts in August...I will be just doing the minimum probably...hopefully more but o well!

Also I tried this on today and have decided that I cannot pull off the romper look! O well!

I'm off for a fun weekend of BEST FRIENDS, family, wedding, and much more!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

So, it's Thursday, but my FRIDAY of Summer School! Thank goodness! (Only one more week...or 4 days left after today!)

The biggest problem child did not show yesterday, it was a much better day! But no telling if she'll show up today...but if she does I came prepared:

I needed a little pick-me-up!

Last night I painted my nails this color! One of my very favorites! Call me a snob...but I really can only use OPI products now on my nails. I paint my nails every 4-5 days and I really could go longer with OPI but I like to change the color. If I use some other brand of nail polish they start chipping on day 2! Not okay!

So I'm totally on track...or even a little ahead on my training for my 1/2. But I ran into a big problem yesterday. I have two huge blisters on my feet. And man do they hurt! So, I have another pair of shoes I'm going to try today...not a fan of them for running because they are heavy but I have to run and I can't bare to put on my regular running shoes on. Does anyone know of a really good pair of light weight running shoes? They ones I run in now are Asics...and I love them but I think it's because I have high arches in my feet. Any suggestions would be great!

Our small group is reading this:

It's really a good book so far and it's making me think...I was raised in a wonderful church. And I was taught alot about the Holy Spirit. Francis Chan is challenging the readers to truly believe and rely on the Holy Spirit. I think some churches/religions steer away from the Holy Spirit or just don't bring it up regularly. Like the books title...the Forgotten God...but the Holy Spirit is so important. And personally I believe that having a true connection and relying on the Holy Spirit has helped me the most in my faith walk.

O, you know the FOUR...well I get to see them Friday! I couldn't be more excited to see three of my best friends! It's been since February that we've all been together in the same place! Lots of talking, eating and drinking yummy wine!

Also, pray for my lil sis K...she had surgery in her mouth yesterday and she isn't doing so hot...they had to go back to immediate care last night to get stronger pain meds. And Mr.'s Nana...she had a short stay at the hospital for some stomach problems. But she is back home now and on her way to recovery!

Happy Thursday(FRIDAY--for me!)!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I recently just read a blog...who I adore and she brought up an excellent point. Being more honest and open while blogging. I mean that is why I started this blog. Yes, it's to show pictures and update our family and friends on our lives. But I started this blog to get my emotions and fears and dreams down on "paper". Her post really made me think about this. And like her, I'm putting my foot down and going to be more honest and open. (Not that I've been filling this blog with lies...just not being very open.)

So these are my emotions, thoughts, prayers, dreams and much more...thank you BlondeAmbition!

Okay, so Baby Ethel is obsessed with the Mr. I know deep down she is a mommas girl...but she sure does love her daddy! I caught this pictures of my girls yesterday. Kind of emo...but love how they are both sitting the same!

Baby Ethel's best friend/cousin/sister is Athena Jean...her mommy and daddy are M and J! Well we try to get our girls together often for a couple of reasons...1. They LOVE each other. 2 They wear each other out. 3. They are related! :) We got Baby Ethel from the same breeder as Athena Jean...and they have the same daddy!

We are just waiting for A and B to get "Olive"!

So, if you follow me on Twitter you know alot more about this than others probably...but I DISLIKE Summer School greatly! I mean I actually (HATE) it but I really don't like that word. I know what your thinking...well some of you. "You're a teacher...you only work August-May...why are you complaining?" But I LOVE LOVE LOVE what I do August-May...I devote so much of my time and energy to my job. My students become "mine" and I try to shape and mold them into future citizens that will succeed.

So I was thinkin...okay I don't have any children and the Mr. works though the summer(he's not lucky enough to have teacher hours) so I'll teach summer school. It's only 15 days...7:45am-12:45pm...Monday-Thursday. Well that's fine and all but when you teach kids that don't care one bit about their future, school, their lives and believe that I owe them something it's not fun. Now, these are the kids that did not pass the CRCT and must pass it to go onto 6th grade. I don't know all of these kids because they are form 4 different elementary schools. Well, I'll just say the few students I had this past year that caused "problems" are angles compared to these kids. I have three girls that are just horrible. I've been called so many things in the past 3 weeks. Now, I don't really care what they call me or how they behave but I do care about the other students in the classroom that have to listen to them and are distracted by their actions. I have students who are taking summer school very seriously (like they should) and are working so hard and it's not fair to them to have to deal with the three girls who are not taking summer school seriously. So needless to say...I've been so stressed and it's just a miserable experience. 6 days left....

But I will end this topic with a positive note...I am SO thankful for the students who attend my school regularly and their parents, I'm thankful for my administration who always has my back, and I'm thankful for this experience so that I can be even more thankful for my school!

After summer school yesterday...Baby Ethel is tired too...

Yes, that is real. I honestly believe that it was hotter than that yesterday. Now, don't get me wrong...I love Georgia and this is my 25th summer in Georgia...you think I would be used to the heat...but it's still a shock how hot it gets in GA! haha! That was the temp that it was when I had just gotten out of an hour of ZUMBA! I'm lovin' my workout schedule right now...I'll share my training schedule with you soon for my 1/2. But I honestly feel soo accomplished every time I finish a work out.

On a workout note...I would love to give a shout out to my mom and K and L...they all three joined the gym last week! It's always better with a buddy! And K and L are being very encouraging of our Mom to get in the gym. We all know she wants it too...but I know what it's like to find an excuse not to go. And my mom tried her FIRST ZUMBA class last Thursday...and the verdict....SHE LOVED IT! I knew she would!

O....one of my dear friends/sorority sister/roommates from college got enagaged Sunday night! Couldn't be more excited for her! She totally deserves all the love in the world! She is a fellow teacher too! :) We talked last night all about the exciting story and where to start with planning a wedding! AHH! So fun! I told her thank you for giving me a distraction to my BABY FEVER!

Happy Tuesday y'all!

Monday, June 14, 2010

It's Monday! Wow...not happy about going back to Summer School. O well.

I had the most lovely past 4 days!

I headed to PTC last Wednesday afternoon to keep two precious children! LK and J!

Their parents were off to NYC to celebrate their 15 year anniversary!

I've babysat LK since she was just about 2 months old and in April she turned 5! I can't believe how fast she has grown up! Such a smart and pretty little girl! J is just 6 months old and boy is he a good baby! SO laid back!!

I had such a great time playing and laughing with these sweet children!

Tummy time with J!

J is such a strong boy, he has to do 2 breathing treatments a day and he does so good!

His shirt does not describe his personality! He is currently teething and is still so sweet! But I do love this outfit! And I know our boys will have lot of nautical clothes just like J!

Look at that sweet girl! LK and I had so much fun baking, swimming, reading, playing kitty's, shopping and laughing! I remember watching her when she was a baby and we couldn't do all of those fun things!

LK had a birthday party at Monkey Joes to attend on Saturday so their grandmother came to watch J so we could go to the party! Well we found a Disney Princess jump and LK was so excited! Her second home is Disney World! :)

I headed home late Saturday night and the whole way home I thanked God for such beautiful children for A and R! They are so deserving of these precious children! I love you LK and J!

Baby Ethel was SO excited to see me when I got home!!! She sat on my bag and gave me tons of kisses! I think she was trying to tell me that if you leave again I'm going with you!

I have no idea what I'm going to do in July when I'm away from her and Miss Lucy for 2 solid weeks!

I came home tired, thankful, happy, smells of baby, and with BABY FEVER!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010



The Mr. and I went on a Chick-fil-A Spicy Chicken Sandwich date last night! We could hardly wait for June 7th to roll around!

The Mr. even wanted me to call ahead to make sure they did run out! haha!

It was SO good! Just confims even more why Chick-fil-A is my favorite fast-food place!

If you haven't had one yet, get yourself over to the nearest Chick-fil-A!

Friday, June 4, 2010

1/2 Marathon!

So, I DID it!
I signed up! I paid the money! I put my t-shirt size! And I've started my training!
October 24th is the BIG day!
140 days until RACE day!
O another note, do you notice any changes to the blog?! I kind of want to start a new one, and not use names. So, if your special and I decide to change spots, I'll let you know!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


What a summer it's already been! Well, not to much summer(like no work..sleeping in, laying by the pool all day, popsicles, etc.) But since school has let out, I've been a busy little lady!

Today, was the first day of Summer School! Yes, I'm teaching Summer School. It's only 15 days, from 7:45-12:45. I really have no excuse to lay around all summer. Mr. works all day and I don't have any little ones yet (expect my pups...Miss Lucy and Baby Ethel!) So I said what they hey! I'll work a little for some extra money(to go towards our Summer 2011 vacation!).

For Memorial Day, the Mr. and I headed to the lake with J and M! Super fun! Jet skiing, good eatting, yummy adult drinks, and fun games! Just what we needed, a little vaca!

So, I'm SOO excited...why might you ask?!?! I'm going to run a 1/2 MARATHON in OCTOBER!!!! I cannot wait!!! I've always enjoyed running and have done a good bit in the past, but haven't really done anything with my running. So, I started training! I know it's early, but I want to be really ready! I'm SO pumped! I'm trying to talk the Mr. into doing it with me! Help me out! :)

How has your summer been so far?!?! Don't have a tradional summer vaca...what have you been doing that is summer-like?!?