Well Ladies and Gentelment....I've completed my first 1/2 MARATHON!!!!!
It was the one of the best things I've ever done! M and I have trained since June! She was a great training partner!
We picked up our bibs yesterday! The nerves started to set in then I think! :)

We were lazy most of the day and then our friends A and B cooked us a yummy pasta dinner to
"carb up" before the big race!!

There is the shirt we got for running, of course the 13.1 magnet, and my bib number!

Back, I was pretty impressed with how nice the shirt are.

M came to my house at
5:45 this morning and we headed to the race site. The Mr. and J headed over about 30 minutes later. M and I stretched and got
in the zone...it was kind of hard with
2,000 people in the race!!!

The Mr. and I! My biggest cheerleader!

Me, M and M! (M in the middle is from our small group too, and she ran!)
I felt
great throughout the whole race expect on about
mile 5 my knee gave out. I was so upset because my training was so great and then for my knee to go with a disappointment.
But I didn't give up, I kept on going....a bit slower than I wanted.

Here I am running towards the finish line!

Another shot at the finish line!

The Mr. being goofy as we headed to our friends!

M, me and M! We did it!

M and LAH!
Well, I ran 13.1 miles! And I can't wait to do it again! I had such great support from the Mr. and friends!

you look pro.