Thursday, October 7, 2010



Why 200? This is my 200th post on my blog! WOW! I can't wait for 200 more!

(Some of you may have noticed that I've been blogging a lot more lately, well I'm making it a priority because I feel as though it's a good place for me to write my feelings and let loose!)

So instead of 200 things, I"m going to list 20 things about blogging (you know how I LOVE list!):

1. I started my blog because the Mr. and I had just gotten married and moved away from our families...not that far, but far to us! I wanted a way to keep in touch with our family and share our MARRIED experience! HERE is my first post, I had another blog and had posted on that but moved to Blogger.

2. I read tons of blogs! I wish I knew some of the people's blogs that I read, I think we would be great friends! The Mr. asks me sometimes, do you know that person? And I reply, no but I do know them through their blog.

3. I've gotten some wonderful ideas from blogs. I wouldn't say I've stolen their ideas but piggybacked!

4. I've had the opportunity to pray for many people through blogs. I may not know them, but I pray for them because of maybe what they are going through to because I've connected to them somehow.

5. I cannot wait to share the journey of parenthood on my blog!

6. I love pictures on blogs! I really try to blog with pictures alot, but some days I just need to write.

7. I've only had a few bad experiences with my blog, and I don't care to go any further than that.

8. I hope to have a lot more followers, if you follow me and haven't added me to your list publicly, please do! :)

9. The Mr. is so funny about our blog, he will ask me to send him the link to remind him when I've updated.

10. I love comments! It's just so wonderful to log on and have comments to read from readers!

11. I need to get better about labeling post.

12. I probably should put titles for my post, but sometimes I don't have a good title.

13. I wish more of my friends had blogs, then we could be even more connected.

14. I've been able to share happiness and sadness on my blog.

15. I log into blogger everyday, even if I don't post.

16. I wish I could blog from my iPhone.

17. I hope to one day have my blog printed into a book for the Mr. and I to look back on.

18. I really really want a professional template!!!

19. I've tried other blogging websites, and I feel as though BLOGSPOT is the best!

20. Thank you for reading for the last 200 posts. I know some haven't been that exciting, but thanks for sticking around. Hope you'll be here to celebrate 300,400, get the point! :)

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