Monday, December 3, 2012

Fight with a Can of Beans...

So, I put Tucker to bed last night and headed down to make dinner and do a bunch of stuff.

While opening the can of black beans for my nachos it wouldn't open all the way...the can opener wouldn't get all the way around. So I thought I would just push it down...well that didn't end well.

I cut my hand.

I thought it wasn't that bad. I mean it hurt and it was bleeding a TON. I called the Mr. down and he looked at it said as soon as he saw it that I needed stitches. I was so mad. Ugh.

We called our neighbor to come over. She is an RN. She confirmed that I did need to go.

So, we asked our other neighbor to come sit with T while the Mr. took me.

After of three hours of waiting in the waiting room I was called back. The Mr. had gone home while I waited. When I got called back into a room he got our sweet neighbor to come back over to sit while he came to get me.

It took another 2 hours to get 4 stitches.

We didn't get home until 12AM. UGH. We were so upset with the hospital. It took the doc 5 minutes to do the stitches. And I was there for a total of 5 hours!

The Mr. washed my hair for me before going to bed. And I slept all of 4 hours.

The pain really kicked in later. :(

I can't write. Thank goodness I can type and use the mouse.

We need to stay well and out of the hospital at our house. Hopefully we are done!

Needless to say the bean can won last night!

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