Tuesday, July 31, 2012

If you really knew me...

My sweet sorority sister K did this post the other day and I loved it so I'm going to do it too! :)

If you really knew me you'd know....

I'm deathly afraid of snakes and throw up.

My little toes face the opposite way...like they face out instead of lining up with my other toes.

I had unmediated childbirth....and I'm a really big whimp when it comes to pain. 

I don't care for potatoes and my in-laws have them at every meal. 

I drive fast. 

I take 8-10 min showers.

I only have one set of holes in my ears.

I lived in Mexico and was a missionary for two months right after I graduated from high school. 

I met the Mr. when I was 14 in math class.

I didn't know how to cut my own meat until about a year ago.

My favorite movie is Sound of Music.

Me and my youngest sister are 10 years apart in age but very close. 

I do not like and do not watch scary movies.

I'm VERY ticklish.

I used to bite my nails but now I don't. 

In high school I wrote down what I wore every single day in my agenda. 

I was blonde from the age of 12-24. 

I have a tendency to give really bad looks...

I'm a very picky eater and I really do try everything.

I wish I had never stopped taking dance classes.

If I didn't teach I would want to work for Chick-fil-A in their corporate office.

I was president of my sorority twice and loved being in a leadership role.

I want three children.

Okay, that was fun! Now y'all do it! :)

1 comment:

  1. OMG my parents always make fun of the way I cut meat too! I mean, I know how, it's just easier the way I do it ;-)
