Dear Tucker John,
WOW, you're officially 4 months old! I cannot believe I met you just 4 months ago. I say this all the time but my life must have been so boring before because you fill my life with sunshine, laughter, love and the best snuggles ever!
You had your first popsicle! Of course it was just frozen breast milk! But nurse at our Bundles of Joy group said that it would be good since your teething!:) You loved it!
Drool and chewing on things is what you do a lot now!
We pulled out your Mamaroo weren't a fan of it when you were little but now you enjoy sitting in it!:)
You offically turned 4 months old on Monday! And you weighed in at 15 lbs 7 oz! Big boy!
We had our first scare with you! Daddy was at class. We were playing and all of the sudden your hand started to swell and you got red splotches all over your face! I got pretty scared but I stayed calm. I called Daddy and he said to take you to the ER. So we went. I tried to get there as fast and safe as possible!
It ended up that the Dr thinks you had an allergic reaction to some spray that Daddy sprayed on the doggies outside. But just having them around you in the house made you react. The doc said you were okay and just said to take some Benadryl. You were so brave the whole time and you talked to the nurses and the doc a lot!
I'm so glad you were okay, it's pretty scary to see your baby boy like that.
The next day we headed to the beach for your first time!
You were so wonderful in the car! You slept, ate and read books!
The car ride was 5 hours and when we got there you were so excited!
We got you all ready for the beach! You liked the sand but wasn't a fan of the was pretty loud and cold!
You did great through! J and T were so sweet to have us to their beach house! We enjoyed the trip! Mommy still needs to upload more pictures!
We stayed for a quick visit and then headed back to PTC. You got to stay with your GMama and Grandpa while Mommy and Daddy went to the Jimmy Buffett concert! You had so much fun with them!
You even shopped for boats with Grandpa!
It was so fun to take you on your first time this week! You are such a wonderful little boy! We love you so much TJH!
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