Friday, February 3, 2012

It's Friday! :)

It's been a great week! Waiting for Tucker hasn't become "un-fun" yet! ha! :)
It's been really sweet, everyday at school I have coworkers who come in a peek into my classroom or call my classroom to see if I'm at work. It's been so sweet! I also had a wonderful coworker make a ton of muffins and brownies for us to put in our freezer! Like I've said a million times, I work at a great place with great people! Very blessed!

J and I got all of our Junior League community service hours in! It was a fun experience, we stuffed bags for the elderly at our local food bank. It's always more fun to do stuff like that with a good friend!

I also went to a consignment sale last night! I got Tucker 4 Ralph Lauren polo outfits(like the one-piece polo outfits), a 4th of July outfit(cute red,blue and white shorts with a cute white polo with an American flag on it)  and two cute GAP onesies all for $32! I love going to those sales, I've been lucky to find good stuff and not pay an arm and leg!

The pups have been extra cuddly towards me this week! I don't know if it's because they sense something or just showing me extra love!

Okay, so have yall heard! Tom's now has BALLET flats?!?! My sweet friend K told me yesterday! And o my goodness they are PRECIOUS! I wear ballet flats a lot to work because they are comfy and cute. I'll have to look into getting a pair of these because if they are anything like my regular Tom's they will be so comfy and even CUTER!

Well check back tomorrow for the 39 week update! :)

Have a wonderful day!


  1. I'm loving the toms flats too!! I can't decide which pair I would get if I got some!!

    and I can't believe how close you are to your sweet baby's arrival!! I know y'all are getting SO excited!

  2. Oh my goodness! The Toms Ballet Flats are so cute! And...I CAN not wait until Tucker comes! I will be checking my phone religiously for updates!!
