Monday, January 16, 2012

We had a very nice weekend!

Busy but good!

Friday night we had dinner with our sweet friend L! She was just in town for the week so we were happy to see her and catch up!

Saturday we got to celebrate with our sweet friends J & J...J had a baby shower for her sweet baby boy who is due 8 days after TJH! The Mr. spent the day with J while the girls were away at the shower.

Sunday we went to Sunday School and church and I ran a tons of errands. And we had dinner with our great friends T and J!

Great great weekend!

And today...I don't have work! And I'm working on grad school work all day! :)

Ethel got a new sweater this weekend! And she loved posing for her Daddy! :)
She needs a hair cut very badly! ha! Her appt is later in the month so she looks great for Tucker's arrival! :)

She LOVES her new sweater!

How was your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can sneak in 30 minutes or so to teach me how to make a puff ball today! Landon and I will come visit you! I want to see Tucker's room anyways! Text me! :)
