Friday, September 23, 2011


Just when I thought things were "bad" for me. God showed me otherwise. And not that he showed me that other people have it worse than me, but it gave me a lot of perspective on my situation.

I've been struggling with my job. But there are much bigger things going on in other peoples lives.

For example a sweet sorority sister of mine had her first baby two weeks ago and her son spent his first week of his life in the NICU. She did not get to even touch her son until he was 7 days old. He possibly could have some long term brain injuries but the big prayer is that his little developing brain will heal all of those injuries.

And my blog friend Amy, had a horrible thing happen to her this week. You can read her story on her blog.

My prayer is that I don't let the "bad" things in my life blind me from the other people in my life who have bad things going on.

I have A LOT to be thankful for. We go to see our sweet baby boy yesterday day afternoon. I pray that he continues to grow into a healthy smart boy. And that the rest of my pregnancy is successful.

It's so easy to get bogged down with the things that happen in our life that we aren't happy about, but truly God has a HUGE plan for us all. I sometimes struggle to see the whole picture, but I'm working on this. The Lord is so patient with me.

My last prayer for this post is that I will change my perspective...that more of my daily focus will be on others and that I won't get tangled up in my "bad" situations.

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