Wednesday, September 28, 2011


It's Wednesday!

Head over to Life After I Dew to link up!

So What If...
  •  I love Granny Smith apples and carmel right now!
  • I thought it was fall? Why is it hot?
  • I am a planner...I do things way in advance because I have to. My life is pretty busy.
  • If my dogs are cuter than yours!
  • I'm looking forward to the teacher work day on Monday.
  • I want to do something different with my hair...but what?
  • I can't stand shaving my legs...and soon it will be very difficult to do it.
  • I want to see Lion King...I've seen it a million times but 3-D would be so cool!
  •  I drink a whole gallon of milk a week by myself.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Prenatal Yoga

O my goodness...heaven is in Prenatal Yoga!

M and I went to our first class last night. I've done Yoga before being pregnant so I wasn't too worried about the class, but didn't know it it would be. It's amazing!!
It was an hour and half class and it was just what the doc ordered! It was so neat to learn different stretches that will help with labor. And it was so relaxing to stretch and let loose. I cannot wait to go again! I highly recommend finding a class nearby and going if you are pregnant!

Math Fun!

The unit in Math that we are teaching right now is Geometry. So we  went on an angle hunt the other day at school and this is what we found!:

An acute angle!

An obtuse angle on the clock 

An acute angle!

A found an acute angle!

And we found a 5th graders safety patrol belt too!

We also made angles with our bodies!:

It was a fun day in Math!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekend Fun!

Of course our weekend started out with our Friday night routine...heading out to get Mexican food! I think it's THE best way to start the weekend!

Saturday my sweet sis B came into town! She was spending the day with her best friend who goes to UGA. But I tagged along for lunch and some shopping! It was fun to spend time with them!

I also got Tucker's scrapbook! I'm excited about I just need to find time to start it!

I also worked on things for the next two showers I'm throwing.

Today was wonderful too! Sunday School and church this morning. The Mr. and I grocery shopped together today and then headed to M and J's house! I emailed M earlier this week for her chili recipe. I've never in my ENTIRE life liked any chili until I had M's! It's amazing! So when I emailed her, she was like I'm making it for yall come over on Sunday! So we had a relaxing afternoon with the pups and ate some YUMMY chili! I also go to see their nursery for sweet baby M who due 5 weeks before Tucker!

I love weekends that have plans but nothing to stress over and I can still rest up for the next week!
What did you do this weekend?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

20 Weeks

How Far Along: 20weeks
Size of baby: banana
Weight gain: 4lbs.
Maternity Clothes: A sweet sweet friend from work gave me a tub of maternity clothes from her pregnancy...she took such good care of them and I found some pieces that I love! So I wore two of her pieces this week! Thankful for such sweet friends!
Gender: BOY! Tucker John
Movement: Yes! He's been busy this week! But not when we had the ultrasound! ha!
Sleep: Sleep is back is starting to hurt when I wake up.
Symptoms: Nothing really new...this part of pregnancy is great!
What I miss: sushi and not worrying about my sleeping position
Cravings: Granny Smith apples with carmel!
Best Moment this week: Seeing our sweet boy for his 20 week appt! He's so cute! All good news from the doc about his measurements and such. He wouldn't move for the ultra sounds but we still got to see our sweet boy sleeping. He sleeps like me with his arm above his head. And the Mr. was trying to look at our eye structure to see which one he might look like! ha! We are excited to share the DVD with our family and friends! And we got to schedule our 3-D appt!
What I am looking forward to: Nursery fun, preparing for TJH and our next doc appt in the beginning of October! SO thankful for this wonderful experience!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Just when I thought things were "bad" for me. God showed me otherwise. And not that he showed me that other people have it worse than me, but it gave me a lot of perspective on my situation.

I've been struggling with my job. But there are much bigger things going on in other peoples lives.

For example a sweet sorority sister of mine had her first baby two weeks ago and her son spent his first week of his life in the NICU. She did not get to even touch her son until he was 7 days old. He possibly could have some long term brain injuries but the big prayer is that his little developing brain will heal all of those injuries.

And my blog friend Amy, had a horrible thing happen to her this week. You can read her story on her blog.

My prayer is that I don't let the "bad" things in my life blind me from the other people in my life who have bad things going on.

I have A LOT to be thankful for. We go to see our sweet baby boy yesterday day afternoon. I pray that he continues to grow into a healthy smart boy. And that the rest of my pregnancy is successful.

It's so easy to get bogged down with the things that happen in our life that we aren't happy about, but truly God has a HUGE plan for us all. I sometimes struggle to see the whole picture, but I'm working on this. The Lord is so patient with me.

My last prayer for this post is that I will change my perspective...that more of my daily focus will be on others and that I won't get tangled up in my "bad" situations.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I've come to the conclusion...and this isn't the first time...but I cannot make everyone happy.

I'm a very hard worker when it comes to my job. I put in 500% all the time. I get to work at 6am everyday and don't always get to leave when we are "allowed" to leave. I go above and beyond a lot for my students. But this year has just been down right hard. Like I've mentioned before I changed grades and I have a very ROUGH class. 12 of my 21 repeated Kindergarten. I do house the Special Ed, ESOL and EIP students in my room. I say all this not to complain but to give you a glimpse of what I'm working with this year. I feel defeated...I feel as though what I'm doing isn't working and not just academically. I absolutely love the grade level, and the students...but the struggles I have this year are far different than years prior. I like a challenge...but having support with the challenge is important.

I know things will be get better...but when?

In other news...aren't my pups so cute? They are so loyal and I always make them happy. :) And they always make me happy! (Well, maybe not when Ethel goes potty inside or runs out of the yard.)

I hope that I can make Tucker very happy. I don't want the stress of my job to interfere with his precious life. I remember friends whose parents jobs were so stressful and they took it out on their kids. I DO NOT want that to happen to us at all. I refuse to let my job mess up my family!

It's almost the weekend again...I live for the weekends. If that's what I have to do this school year then I will...but I don't want it like this forever. I want to skip into my job every morning like I used to....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It's Wednesday!

Head over to Life After I Dew to link up!

So What If...
  •  I realized this week that I HAVE to make time to do things I enjoy such as Zumba, blogging, using my Cricut and etc.
  • I am counting down the days until I will be on maternity leave with my sweet baby boy...rough school year.
  • I cannot wait to get a bail of hay, pumpkins and fall decor on my front porch.
  • I my husband loves to watch Antique's Roadshow.
  • I'm kind of over the bad achne I've had while pregnant.
  • I think it's the COOLEST thing ever when I can see the outside of my tummy moves with Tucker is flipping around.
  • I'm ready for a fire in our fireplace.
  • I feel so much better when my nails are done professionally.

  •  I love reading before I go to bed...I think it makes me sleep better.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

L's Baptism Luncheon

Sunday we got to celebrate sweet L's baptism!

L was born in April and I blogged about that sweet baby here!

It was sweet to celebrate with L's family and friends!
L's cake

Sweet display

L and his Mommy! SOO sweet!

LOVE this little boy! Can't wait for him and Tucker to grow up together!

Dr. H with L....Dr. H is L's mom's major professor and my advisor for grad school.

The celebration made me get so excited about celebrations we will have for our sweet Tucker after he arrives. :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

I may...

This weekend:

I may have eaten almost a whole dozen Krispy Kreme donuts and NO I don't feel guilty about it all.

I may have cried my eyes out Friday afternoon over my job...this makes the forth Friday of the school year and there has only been 6.

I may have been sent by my sweet husband for a mani and pedi to cheer me up.

I may have watched my dearly beloved AU Tigers get's okay...first time in 18 games...we will come back next week.

I may have scheduled all of our child birthing, breastfeeding and CPR classes to prepare for baby Tucker.

I may have snuggled with my puppies a lot.

I may have vented to my Mommie and loved hearing her voice on the other end of the phone cheering me up.

I may have celebrated a sweet baptism of a sweet sweet friends baby boy.

I may have toured the hospital that I will be having sweet baby Tucker at.

I may have worked on shower stuff for my BFF.

I may have used my Cricut.

I may have seen my best friends and LOVED every second of it.

I may have enjoyed the windows open with the cool breeze.

I may have spent time with my sweet Mr.

I may have looked at my calender for the next three months and added many fun events. But also may have felt a little overwhelmed about it.

I may have thought and prayed about my job a lot.

I may have eaten Candy Corn.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wedding Shower Fun!

Last night we got a chance to get together with some of our dear friends to celebrate
 L and B!

They are getting married in November in DISNEY!!

So last night was their "Stock the Bar" shower!
Me with the beautiful Bride! Sweetest person I know!

Handsome Mr.!

M, H, L and myself

M, N, and E!

Mr with the Bride!

I didn't get a picture of the actual bride and groom together!

We are looking forward to the wedding events to take place before the actual wedding weekend!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

19 Weeks



How Far Along: 19 weeks
Size of baby: mango
Weight gain: 4lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Wore two maternity outfits this week...working them in slowly is better for me...I'm not ready to fully commit to the maternity clothes...I can still wear a lot of my tops.
Gender: BOY! Tucker John
Movement: Yes! He's been busy this week!
Sleep: Sleep is good!
Symptoms: Nothing really new this week...starting to get the hang of all of this. I have had more cramping this week...must be growing!
What I miss: sushi
Cravings: No real cravings this week.
Best Moment this week: Just praying for our sweet boy and his health and future.
What I am looking forward to: Our big 20 week appt next week...we have another ultra sound so I get to see my handsome boy!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Ocean Explorers

My school is very unique! Which makes teaching so much more exciting! Well, on Thursdays we have what are called Enrichment Clusters. You can go HERE to learn more about the idea of what we do!

So yesterday we kicked off our Fall Clusters! The kids couldn't wait!!

Don't know if I've told yall but the Mr. has been long-term subbing for a para at our school who was moved to another position in our we "work" together for right now.

My Cluster is called Ocean Explorers and the Mr. got to be my assistant. It was so fun to share our experiences with the ocean to the sweet Kindergartners and 1st graders who have never even seen the beach.

They were SOO excited! We showed pictures of some of our dives, pictures of some of the beaches we've been to and taught them some about ocean life.

Also, the GA Aquarium has an awesome site, if you haven't been you must go! But they have live cameras in some of their tanks so you can watch the whale sharks and such swim around...the kids were so amazed!

It was fun sharing with the kiddos what the Mr. and I love to do together...explore the ocean!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


It's Wednesday!

Head over to Life After I Dew to link up!

So What If...
  •  I love coming home to a clean house.
  • I count down to the weekends every week.
  • I need fall to come so I can wear some of my maternity clothes.
  • I don't have any major complaints about hasn't been bad. I'm kind of sick of people who complain about it all the time. It's only temporary and hello you are growing a HUMAN in your tummy!
  • I don't wash my hair's not good for it anyway.
  • I cried when my friend sent me a picture of her baby right after he was born. Mr. looked at me really funny! Pregnancy hormones!
  • I've already gone through a bag of Candy Corn! Told you I loved it!
  • I have an amazing husband that does a LOT! And I find out more and more everyday that I'm super lucky because other peoples husbands don't do HALF of what mine does!
  •  I want to finish up Tucker's room...yes I know I have time but I want it to be perfect for him when he gets here!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekend in Review

This is what my weekend consisted more rest.

Friday we went to the doc for my monthly check. And I was also able to finally get some "real" meds from the doc. I've had a cold/sinus infection since Labor Day weekend. Fighting a cold when you can't take anything good for it is rough. So the doc on Friday gave me antibiotic. O and Tucker is doing great...we got to hear his sweet heartbeat!

Saturday I stayed in my PJs all day and rested A LOT! My body really needed it. And I wanted a chance to rest so that I could get rid of all of this sickness so I can be 100% this week at work! And of course I watched the AU Tigers win!! WHOOHOO!

Sunday we had plans to go to church but I still was feeling pretty rough. Slept in. Then once I knew I had been on antibiotics for almost 48 hours we headed to the hospital to see a sweet baby! A who I work with had her first baby boy on Friday! He's too cute! The rest of my day consisted of getting ready for the week and resting some more.

I'm hoping for a great week! I have my first general Junior League meeting we'll have a chance to meet all the wonderful ladies in JL besides just our provisional class.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, September 11, 2011



My prayer is that something like this never happens again to our country. I pray for all the families affected. I pray that all conflict from this will be resolved.

Where were you when the world stopped turning?

I was in 10th grade English class. A moment I'll never forget. The fear, confusion, anger and helplessness all set in at once.

9-11...Never Forget.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

18 Weeks



How Far Along: 18 weeks
Size of baby: baked potato
Weight gain: 4lbs...finally got officially weighed.
Maternity Clothes: Just two items right now. Dresses are still the best thing.
Gender: BOY! Tucker John
Movement: Yes! LOVE IT! And he kind of has a routine of when he's moving...I live for those moments!
Sleep: Sleep is good!
Symptoms: Not related to pregnancy....but getting a cold/sinus infection this week was NOT fun! Not being able to take hardly anything over the counter is awful! But after day 6 of being sick my doc gave me an antibiotic...hopefully it will kick in fast!
What I miss: sushi
Cravings: No real cravings this week.
Best Moment this week: Getting the last piece of nursery furniture in! Now we will paint and start to decorate!
What I am looking forward to: Doing more work in his room!