Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Did this happen to you?

Okay, so all you Mommys out there...did you ever wait an extremely long time to see the doc and then the doc was only in the room with you for 5 minutes?

Well, that happened to me yesterday. After my first day of school...the Mr. and I headed to the doc! I was so excited...it has been a month since I was there last and was so excited to hear the heartbeat and hear from the doc that things were looking good. We waited 45 minutes to actually see the doc. She came in, used the portable heartbeat thing...listened to the heartbeat for 15 seconds and then that was it. She asked if we had questions. I mentioned the headaches I've had...I know I've read they are normal...but I wanted to let her know. She says it's normal and then is out the door.

I know this is my first baby and I'm probably overly excited...but I just felt like it was such a let down. The only thing that makes me okay with all of this is that in two weeks I'll be back for my gender appt. :)

Okay, I'll calm down now...just wanted to get that out there.

Second day of school was good! I have some children that are going to need lots and lots of attention. Behavior plans are going to be put in place for three of them this week. Love all of them but I do have some that are lots of work.

Very tired again today...guess this will be a usual thing. :)


  1. Ask if the office has a midwife you can switch to. They are much more personable and are with you longer at appt's and delivery. I had the same one for all 3 of my kids. AMAZING! I had them in hospitals with an epidural each time. They are just more attentive than most docs. I have a feeling you'd really like the experience if you tried one and it's your right to do so. I'm a little anti doctor after hearing horror stories from others and having such a wonderful experience with my midwife. To each their own, but definitely worth a shot :) congrats again!

  2. This is my pet peeve. As an OBGYN, they know how excited us first time moms are during our appointments. And we are paying them for their service. Therefore, if they aren't sharing in our excitement, they need to fake it.

    I am so grateful that I didn't have this issue. My doctor was amazing and shared in our excitement and joy with every appointment. I really didn't feel rushed at all and felt satisfied after each appointment.

    Are you seeing a group of doctors or just one? Maybe ask to see another doctor, or like the previous commenter said, a midwife.

    You shouldn't feel shafted after your appointments. I know that the first few are pretty uneventful, but you should feel excitement and happiness when you leave. And feel that your doctor cares about this baby!

    You can always shop doctors too...

  3. I know exactly what you are talking about. I saw my doctor the first time and then after that I switched to the midwifes. Every single one of them have sat with Zach and I and chatted and were so friendly. I would definitely switch to midwife if you want someone to take time with you and not just bounce in and bounce out.
