Wednesday, January 19, 2011

SO What Wednesday

Go over to Life After I "Dew" to join in!

  • If I could eat an entire dozen of Krispy Kreme donuts by myself! (Not in one sitting!)

  • If I have everything color-coded in my calender.

  • If I lay my clothes out for the entire week on Sunday...this includes socks, underwear and shoes!

  • If I don't like those home-make-over shows, the Mr. loves them, but they drive me crazy.

  • If I could drink DD coffee everyday, but I'm so good and don't.

  • If I'm scared to drive now, I was hit head on last week...give me a break.

  • If I'm over winter, snow last a week in GA is way not normal...I'm ready for spring!

  • If I hate with a passion to pluck my eyebrows...I mean I do it, but do not like it at all!


  1. I claim to be Miss Organized but I'm so jealous of how you truly *are* organized. I mean, laying out your clothes for the week! Awesome! And color coded?! Girl after my own heart! haha

    I'm ready for spring to be here too.

  2. stopping over from "so what wednesdays"
    i don't blame you for being a little timid on the roads now a days.. i sure hope you feel better soon!
    and i wish i could lay out all of my clothes a week in advance.. perhaps it would make my morning routine go that much smoother! thank you for the inspiration!

  3. Just found your blog via So What Wednesdays & I love it! I'm your newest follower, stop by and say hi! I'm hosting a super cute Valentine's giveaway!
