WOW...I cannot believe that TOMORROW is my last day of school of my FIRST year of teaching! I can still remember the day that I got hired!! Such a wonderful year of so many learning experiences! I am so blessed to work with such amazing people and teach such awesome kids! I'm going to miss my "babies" so much!
There are no words for how busy and crazy my life has been the last couple of one told me this was the hardest part of the school year...everyone says "O before Christmas break is horrible!" They are SO wrong...there is so much going on this time of year and so much to do at the end...but I've still had fun and gotten everything done...expect blogging.
So GOOD NEWS..we got our CRCT scores back yesterday! (CRCT is the test that ALL 1-5th grade students take to measure what they have learned of the past year...BIG deal!) Well our this is our first year being open and we made AYP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Annual Yearly Progress..basically that is a report card for the school...and you have to make AYP or bad things happen.) So were basically being looked at by EVERYONE in the county and beyond for how were were going to "DO" our first year! It was an awesome feeling to have the superintendent come into my room today and give me a HUG and congratulate myself and my AWESOME students for their hard work! Like I said..I work at an AMAZING school with such talented administrators and teachers! And the kids are the VERY best part!!
Okay okay okay...sorry I got really excited about all my good news! So last weekend we celebrated B's graduation from GRAD school at UGA! She is starting her DOC program in the fall! SO proud of her!! It was such a wonderful night!
Last Friday at school it was FIELD DAY!!!!!! Which by the way was SO fun...some teachers complain but our P.E. coach has it organized to a T...and you all know how I am about organization!! It was perfect and such a fun day for the kids!
Some of my girls in their Field Day t-shirts!
Monday we had 5th Grade "Moving On" or Recognition Day! It was a perfect way to wrap up the year! My kids dressed up and a TON of parents and grandparents came! Also, we gave ALOT of awards and each student received a superlative!
My class!! I'm missing one, but I have 30 students! :)
Some of my girls/divas! :) I will miss them!
Enjoying their punch and cookies!
Look how handsome!
QJ...his superlative was "Class Clown"! Such a fun/tough kid! (I will truly miss him!)
Miss D! Such a smartie! :)
J...isn't she precious in her little white dress!?
My Boys...they are pretty amazing at soccer...that's all they think about too! (At least it's not girls yet! haha!)
"Social Planner of Mrs. H's Class"-I is a talker and VERY social!! But I love her!
"Most Helpful Student" such a sweet girl...alot like me...oldest in her family and very organized!
Teammate and My lovely principals!!!
I cannot believe that I taught 30 kids, Math, Reading, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and basic life skills! I cannot believe that I was at school at 6am everyday. I cannot believe that I made such good professional friendships with all the wonderful teachers I teach with. I cannot believe that I made it through, Picture Days, Learning Celebrations, assembles, students birthdays, faculty meetings, planning meetings, Benchmark testing, Georgia Writing Test, CRCT weeks, Field Day, report cards, progress reports, parent-teacher conferences, and so much more. But I really can't believe that I was given this opportunity to teach these children. I hope and pray that I touched their lives in some way, and I pray that they could see that I'm a child of God!
Thank you for any of you that were with me throughout this past year! So many of you have encouraged me and been there for me! I really want to thank Mr., he has been an amazing supporter this year! I love you!
Well here it last day! :)
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