Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed a PIE!

We won!!!!

My class won the door decorating contest at our school for the Spring Book Fair!! The theme is Diner/Food books! So I found a really funny book based an old book. The old book is...There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly...and this new book is I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a PIE! My kids loved the book and then created this door from it! All I did was help hang the 3-D stuff and cut the letters on my Circut for them!

I am so proud of them! All of the things hanging are the things the old lady eats throughout the book!

Door open so you can tell that the stuff is 3-D!

Cover of the actual book!

Up-close of their AMAZING artwork!

I am one VERY proud teacher! And one very competitive teacher too!

edit:: I found out this morning that: I won $30 to the Book Fair!!


  1. wow! COOOL! I love stuff like this. You have some talented 5th graders!

  2. That is AWESOME!!! I know you are so proud!!! Teachers sometimes have those moments when you could not be more proud of your "kids"!!! That is why our jobs are so rewarding!!!
