The Hammarlunds are alive...sorry for the delay in blogging. I know all of you were on the edge of your seats waiting for the next post. No, really. Sorry I haven't written in a few days.
We have had a great weekend!
Friday was Britta's family birthday celebration! We had Frog-more's's like a low-country boil. So yummy! And we got to hold sweet Aidan(our nephew).
Saturday we headed to an engagement party of one of my sorority sisters. It was great seeing all the girls. Eric and I got to spend some time with our closest friends...Lauren, Lexie and Hannah and their boys! :)
Today we headed back home and were lazy all day! It has been wonderful. Naps, hot apple cider, cleaning house and getting ready for another week.
Last week I made some yummy brownies that Leslie told me about. You cook a regular box of brownies but when there is like 8 minutes left you add mini York Peppermint Patties to the top and then cook for the remaing time. They are SOO yummy and make me think of winter time! :)
I've never seen such a cute Krispy Kreme! :)
So only 10 more days of teaching for me!!! YAY! And exactly 27 days until graduation! YAY!
This weekend Eric and I are heading down to Key Largo with the Hammarlunds to finish my diving certification! We are so excited to see Mr. Hamamrlunds new boat and get in the (hopefully) warm water!
Have a great Monday! :)
what the heck? Does everyone have one of these!?!?! I heart the Hammarlunds!!!! need to start a BLOG!!! It's a great way to keep up with friends! :) LOVE you and MISS you alot!