We didn't do anything too exciting for Memorial Day weekend...just hung out at home! We all needed rest and down time after finishing up school and being sick.
Emma Kate and TJH ended up with ear infections last week. :( And OCH wasn't feeling too well herself.
Saturday we ate waffles on the front porch and played outside while it was still cool
Then we headed to the Mr.'s school to check on his garden. They picked carrots and peas. And then we played on the playground!
Saturday night we had a cook out with the neighbors!
Little water balloon fight after dinner too!
Super fun night with our friends!
Sunday morning we went to church. We really love our church and so do the kiddos!
The girls and I wore our skirts that my mom made us! So cute!
TJH took the pictures for us while the Mr. was still getting ready and I thought this one was funny...kind of a model pose! haha!
Sunday afternoon the kiddos played outside with the Mr. and I organized the playroom! It had gotten out of hand! ha!
Lots of packing will be happening tomorrow with our upcoming vacation soon! :)