We've had a busy September...and I can't believe we are almost to the end of this month! Whew...bring on Fall though! I love this time of year! :)
Why not help a sister out? They do the sweetest things ever!
This baby boy has had some rough moments recently but we are working through them. He didn't really have the "terrible twos" but 3 and 1/2 is making me even more patient! He has the BIGGEST heart but he can have some HARD moments.
This cutie kept me company when I was home sick on Friday with Vertigo. She laid next me while I slept and then followed me around when I was able to get up!
Friday night before the girls party A and A came to help! Thank goodness because I wouldn't have gotten it all done without her! The kiddos loved having dinner, outside play time and bath time all together! 4 best cousins ever!
Pa and his grandpups!
This was a huge hit at the party...the bucket full of ice and bottle water! :) After all the guests left our three were in it completely!
Cupcake time at the party!:)
The ONLY two boys of the FOUR babies! TJH keeps asking to see C again...I think he knows they are the only boys and they have to stick together!
So EK and O are twins...but these boys could pass as TWINS! :)
Sunday I started to feel more like myself after 5 days of complete dizziness and nausea from the Vertigo. I was able to drive for the first time since Thursday and actually do fun things with the kiddos!
We baked cupcakes for my students since I've been out so much and they've been SO good while I was out!
They were super yummy!
The girls wore their birthday shirts to school on Monday because who doesn't love carrying on the birthday fun! :) L did such a great job! She put things together to create exactly what I wanted for their party!
Tucker also wore his 3 year old birthday shirt too but he was having a melt down because I helped him put on his shoes on the correct feet. :(
The Mr. LOVES Legos and TJH is becoming a big fan too! The Mr. is SO good at teaching him how to do them. He ordered TJH a fall one and they put it together!
On our way home from school everyday Olivia always spots these three horses! So I stopped to take a picture for her...there is a black, brown and white one! It's so cute! And Olivia neighs every time we pass them! :)
It's been a good week so far and it's only Tuesday!