Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Slip N Slide!

M&J gave Tucker a Slip N Slide for his birthday and boy have we enjoyed it!

I know this will give us hours of fun this summer! Thanks M and J for a great gift!! 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

We are so thankful for all of our service men and all they do to keep us safe!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Photo Dump and Catch Up of May!

My last post was a catch up and so is this one! ha! The last three weeks have been so busy and we've had some fun things go on but I'm also exhausted each evening after getting the kiddos to bed. :) Since we are a few short days away from summer I can start to post more regularly.

School is so busy in May...the Mr. and I both had our field days. So much fun to hang with the kids all day playing games outside! 

We headed to PTC for Mother's Day because we hadn't been since Christmas and we didn't have anything going on back home. We really enjoyed ourselves all weekend with the kids and in-laws. 

3 of the 4 Buck-a-roos!

The Mr. and I snuck out for a lunch date! 

Backyard fun! 

Tons of golf cart rides! This pic sums up both of these girls! :)

Tuck got some time at the airport with Pa so that made him SO happy!

YUM! Greek yogurt pops! 

The actual day of Mother's Day was perfect! We played all day! I wanted my kids to be happy and have fun! 

Morning golf cart rides are so fun! 

We stopped at a park for the kids to play in the shade!

This picture cracks me up!

These three are THE BEST thing that has ever happened to me. I LOVE being their mama! I'm so thankful that the Lord has trusted me with them...it's not about me at all...it's about them and their safety and happiness. I pray that I'm always what they need in a mom. 

Glad I got to spend the day with this lady...she is an amazing example to me of what a mother should be like. I'm so thankful my children have her as a GMama! She is selfless and always puts her children and grandchildren before herself. 

We finally got some things figured out with the girls ears...they both will be getting tubes in June...thankful for a good doc who could tell us what's best for them. 

I love how my children love each other...I pray that it's always like this. :) 

The Lord has always been amazing to us but He gave us a special gift for a weekend...we emergency fostered two students from my school. One of the sisters is in my class this year...she is precious and we've worked hard all year on stuff at school. She is selectively mute. But boy, was it amazing to see her come out of her shell and be so happy with  us for the weekend. She has always spoken to me...but never to other adults really. She was SO loud all weekend and tons of smiles. We were so thankful to have these precious girls for the weekend. We were a family of 7 and it was a blast! 

The Mr. painted EK&O's toes for the first time! :) 

Our children LOVED the girls and thought it was a blast having two other sisters for the weekend. Tucker has asked about them almost daily since they left. 

Grandpa and Grandma R came for a visit and boy did the kiddos love that! :) 

Love taking the girls clothes from last year and making them still work! These were dresses that G and Pa brought back from Hawaii...well we made them shirts for this year! :) 

This was my classroom Wednesday afternoon...tired students and things packed up. 

Umm this new frap is amazing...Carmel Ribbon Crunch...my friend C from work brought it to me for the last day of school! YUM! 

So this was my last last day of school at my school...I've taught there for 6 years! But I'm moving to another school and am so excited! Of course, I'm SO sad to leave my friends...I started as a baby teacher there and have grown SO much in my time there. It will be SO nice to have the same schedule as the Mr. and then TJH soon! 

I literally walked into the school 6 years ago with 2 boxes and I walked out with a car full and trailer full! 

And I've already delivered my stuff to my new classroom...I have a LOT of work to do come July! 

G and Pa came for a quick day visit and to help me with moving my classroom! On their way out of town we stopped by the new house! SO many new things have happened! 

I LOVE this shot that GMama got of the girls! OMG! :)

This one was so cute too...EK got up before she could actually take the photo! :) 

These girl! :) We had popsicles after dinner they wanted to kiss too! :) 

Needless to say...May has been packed full of fun! And it's not even over yet! :)